Genres: Drama
Other Results: 14 Series
Summary: A new girl, Brittney, joins Kadic, and Odd decides to introduce her to Lyoko.
Categories: Ships > Other, Ships, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No Word count: 298 Read Count: 6164
Published: Dec 31, 2006 Updated: Dec 31, 2006

When nature took a strange turn, wolves among people have never been discovered. Until one young wolf has to face a pack who disowned her a long time ago. The truth is revaled, what will happen?

Code LYOKO/ Wolf's Rain Crossover

Categories: Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Ships > Other Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Suspense
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Completed: Yes Word count: 4867 Read Count: 25638
Published: Jul 06, 2007 Updated: Jul 12, 2007

After XANA was distroyed, the group went their seperate ways. Two years later, the group meets up again, but they have changed alot in two years. Some things didn't change.

Warning- bloody scenes

Categories: Seasons, Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Ships > Odd and Sissi Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: A Novel Idea, What will happen in Code LYOKO after XANA is defeated
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Completed: Yes Word count: 4368 Read Count: 28277
Published: Apr 09, 2007 Updated: May 15, 2007
Summary: William is sick of waiting for Ulrich. XANA attacks. Yumi's life is thrown into chaos when everything changes and something unexpected happens.
Categories: Seasons > Season 2 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Angst, Drama, General, Suspense
Warnings: None
Challenges: A Novel Idea
Series: None
Chapters: 15
Completed: Yes Word count: 1842 Read Count: 54657
Published: Sep 01, 2006 Updated: Sep 25, 2006
Summary: Xana activates a tower, causing the Lyoko Warriors to bleed whenever shot on Lyoko. What happens when Odd and Ulrich both are about to bleed to death and Aelita has disappeared.
Categories: Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: No Word count: 2758 Read Count: 22157
Published: Jul 10, 2011 Updated: Jul 10, 2011

Ulrich's brother comes to Kadic. The bad news? They hate each other, and his brother tried to kill him on many occations. This time, his brother takes something very importian to him.


Categories: Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: Yes Word count: 2748 Read Count: 11420
Published: May 28, 2007 Updated: Jun 01, 2007
Summary: Where do you turn when your mom runs away and you're pretty sure that your dad hates you?
Categories: Seasons, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Drama, General, Poetry, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Completed: No Word count: 1975 Read Count: 4264
Published: Mar 02, 2007 Updated: Mar 24, 2007
Summary: This is something very very big...very sad...and very interesting.  Care to read?
Categories: Seasons > Season 1 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Drama, Poetry, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Completed: No Word count: 1694 Read Count: 50245
Published: Nov 26, 2006 Updated: Dec 11, 2006
Summary: One lost his mom, one lost her father. Can they help each other?
Categories: Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Comedy, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: Music and Lyrics
Chapters: 4
Completed: Yes Word count: 2604 Read Count: 11425
Published: Apr 22, 2007 Updated: Apr 22, 2007
Summary: Ulrich has to learn to let it all out as something is happening to the CL Gang. Takes place after "The Key"

Categories: Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Ulrich Stern
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: Yes Word count: 2422 Read Count: 20132
Published: Oct 05, 2006 Updated: Oct 05, 2006
Summary: A new way to see Code Lyoko, my verson. Rated T for language and violence. New Family, Friends, foes, and Lyoko warriors. See, to get a intro incase your lost. I did make a lot of changes.
Categories: Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Aelita Hopper, Herb Pichon, Hiroki Ishiyama, Jeremie Belpois, Nicholas Poliakoff, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: Graphic Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 19
Completed: Yes Word count: 20328 Read Count: 104861
Published: Aug 09, 2007 Updated: Dec 01, 2007
Summary: a sequal to code schooldays
Categories: Seasons > Season 2 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Ulrich Stern, William Dunbar, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: No Word count: 3090 Read Count: 1524
Published: Dec 14, 2007 Updated: Dec 14, 2007
Summary: The fuzzy details of Aelita's past life explained.
Categories: Seasons > Pre-Season 1 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Completed: Yes Word count: 11866 Read Count: 20340
Published: Apr 02, 2007 Updated: Apr 02, 2007

My verson of Season 4. Major YxU and minor JxA.


-Character Death

- Bloody scenes

Categories: Ships > Jeremie and Aelita, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: A Novel Idea
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Completed: Yes Word count: 13658 Read Count: 61766
Published: Mar 30, 2007 Updated: Mar 30, 2007

Kadic is the school of ninja arts. Ulrich used to be the best ninja there, until a new girl from Japan carring a demon inside her. Will a group of Ninja be able to help her, of be caught in the demon's wrath?

Code LYOKO/ Naruto Crossover

Warings- bloody scenes

Categories: Ships > Other, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Completed: Yes Word count: 5244 Read Count: 418410
Published: May 21, 2007 Updated: May 24, 2007
Summary: starts of in a lesson with lots of humour  before ending with an action sequence on Lyoko, little Yumi/Ulrich to the extent of the actual show
Categories: Seasons > Season 1, Ships > Ulrich and Yumi Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Sissi Delmas, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes Word count: 3514 Read Count: 1513
Published: Nov 12, 2007 Updated: Nov 12, 2007
Summary: What happens when a new student arrives at Kadic, and hates humanity on the whole? Xana shows up and gives him the power to do something about it. Can the Lyoko warriors stop this new threat? Find out...

Categories: Seasons Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes Word count: 2525 Read Count: 6066
Published: Oct 29, 2006 Updated: Nov 26, 2006
Summary: Yumi sees Ulrich kissing a new girl and thinks he's in love. What she doesn't know was, Ulrich was just greating a close cousin from his childhood. What happens when Yumi tries to get back with William and tempers start flying.
Categories: Ships > Ulrich and Yumi, Seasons > Season 3 Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Comedy, Drama
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Completed: Yes Word count: 1090 Read Count: 8315
Published: Jun 04, 2011 Updated: Jun 04, 2011
Summary: Poor William, he was crying out for help, and no one can hear him, and all he can hear is his new master, and how he slightly loved the darkness. Just slightly. Spoilers to Episode 66: William Returns. Read at your own risk. please r&r! hints of WillYumi.
Categories: Seasons > Season 3, Ships > Other Characters: William Dunbar, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Where's William?
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes Word count: 255 Read Count: 1783
Published: Jul 10, 2007 Updated: Jul 10, 2007

Third in series "To Understand," Sequel to Broken.  After Jeremie taking credit for the Xana-file-stealing program by mistake, Kaitie is furious.  She begins to ignore him as he frequently tries to get her to love him again.  Urlich and Sissy's relationship isn't going well, and William suddenly disappears one day.  When a depressing death happens in each of the Lyoko Warrior's families, is it too hard to hold the world saviors together?

Not to mention this, but what will happen when some of the Lyoko Warriors find a Summer Fighting Camp pamphlet, and then sign up for it?

Categories: Seasons > Season 2, Ships > Other Characters: Aelita Hopper, Jeremie Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Ulrich Stern, Yumi Ishiyama
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, General, Romance
Warnings: None
Series: To Understand
Chapters: 2
Completed: No Word count: 975 Read Count: 4160
Published: Jun 09, 2007 Updated: Jun 10, 2007