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S4 Episode 23: Cousins Once Removed

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So, what's your opinion on this "Cousin Once Removed"?

10- Really, really, really cool. Like, amazing. Wow.
9- I know how Jerboy feels...x_x
8- Nicer than I thought it would be.
7- Its hair is kinda weird...
6- Fun to have around for about three days.
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5- Merely a cousin to the rest of the show.
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4- Okay, you can leave now...
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3- Please do not steal my soap!
2- Or steal my bed!
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1- Cousins Once Removed...from existence.
0- ...where's the foosball table?
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Total votes : 25

S4 Episode 23: Cousins Once Removed

Postby Carth » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:00 pm

Well, thread is teh made.

I personally think this is an okay-looking ep. I just hope they do a good job with Patrick's character. And I really, REALLY hope that the dub didn't give him an unnecessarily retarded voice. Because it's characters that look like him that tend to have unnecessarily retarded voices. :D

You all know the drill, ne? Except this one is at, da da da dum, 11:30, right after Space Oddity! Yeaaaah. Comment.

(Sorry about the rather lackluster poll. I couldn't come up with too many 'cousin' jokes.)
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Re: S4 Episode 23: Cousins Once Removed

Postby MY85 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:04 pm

Carth wrote:(Sorry about the rather lackluster poll. I couldn't come up with too many 'cousin' jokes.)

You don't always have to do a poll related to the episode title. Sometimes, those turn out to be good, but some just blow. Hope you don't take any offense on this...
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Re: S4 Episode 23: Cousins Once Removed

Postby Carth » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:12 pm

MakeYourself85 wrote:
Carth wrote:(Sorry about the rather lackluster poll. I couldn't come up with too many 'cousin' jokes.)

You don't always have to do a poll related to the episode title. Sometimes, those turn out to be good, but some just blow. Hope you don't take any offense on this...'s something fun to do at the end of the week. Even if it sucks, that's the fun part.
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Postby Kamekai » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:38 pm

*sigh* It's a little too obvious who's voicing Patrick. It sounds like Mrs. Hertz with bronchitus. :no:
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Postby Taelia » Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:58 pm

Eww, his voice sounds kinda bleh.
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Postby Carth » Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:45 pm

I'll say it now. I didn't much like A Space Oddity. But I liked Cousins Once Removed. And I expected it to be the other way round too...

Points I liked? It was funny. The plot was coherent. It was well animated.

I don't know about you, but I really, really liked Patrick. Not just 'cause he was pretty, mind you. I mean, they could have gone on the predictable extreme, and made him this terrible, arrogant idiot, and make Jeremie look like the simpering little victim. But, no- he's actually a pretty nice, normal guy, whose popularity (popularity that Patrick may or may not be aware of) Jeremie is jealous of. So, he mentally warps him into a terrible, arrogant idiot. But Patrick really is awesome- from just being a nice, normal guy in general, to sticking up for his cousin no matter what. Made of Win score: 10/10. With Jer's dad, that makes two Belpois family members with perfect Made of Win scores. Why is his family so Made of Win?

Not that Jeremie is entirely the enemy here. Sure, he was earning himself some fail in the beginning. I congratulate Aelita for pounding some sense into his head, or trying, at the very least. But, he does learn to grow up and see the bigger picture, which is good. Can't come away from a children's show without a moral, ne?

Oh yeah, Pat's voice. His first line was a bit rough on the ears, but after that he sounded just fine. Who did his voice, anyway? It doesn't sound like a Gasman job...Barbara, maybe?

Lyoko action was pretty sweet too, including the introduction of the spider-drill-thing, whose name I can't remember. Only thing that's rather odd is that William didn't show up. But, he really didn't need to.

What else...ah, think I covered everything. Oh yeah. TV scenes with Sissi, Herve and Nicolas were awesome. "Tell me what happens"...yeah, never trust males to that. :P

9/10. Just cause.
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Postby Taelia » Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:55 pm

I do have to admit, Pat was a cool kid. He practices Aikido.
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Postby MewmiC » Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:46 pm

I liked Patrick, and glad that the show didn't play the whole 'Jeremie's the nice guy while Patricks the nasty cousin' thing, shame since he's leaving we might not see him again. Anyone catch who voiced him?
Liked the little things in the episode like when the power was turned off they showed Nicholas pounding on the TV ( :D ). And the intro to the squid monster, I think it's called 'Kalamar', which has a drill inside it. That's cool.

Carth pretty much said everything else so I'll give this eppy my rating. 9/10
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Postby timekitten » Sat Nov 17, 2007 9:00 pm

I pretty much agree with everything Carth said. lol I was expecting this to be disappointing, but no! (I think part of it was thanks to how bad Space Oddity was lol).

I actually said 'Ew!' at the voice, but warmed up to it. Slowly. I wonder if Patrick has hit puberty yet. :umm: He was much nicer that I expected. He wasn't an antagonist, like <s>most</s> all one-episode characters! He continued to be nice to Jeremie and defended Jeremie despite Sissi's insistance and evidence (but he should have kicked her out when she went snooping, cuz she had no legitimate reason to be in that room). He still looks like a vampire. The dark clothes are okay, but pale skin??? How can someone who probably gets out more than Jeremie be that pale?! Anyway, bottom line, Patrick is a cool guy. 8) So very, very cool. 8P

Now the Lyoko side of the story was awesome, practically what I was hoping to feel in Space Oddity. Lots of action, suspense, and some humor. Naughty Ulrich, destroying part of the network. :P The Kalamar's appearance was cool. Unfortunately, I think this is the only episode it'll be in. :no: And it seems like there's nothing 'under' the network. It just stretches on and on.

My favorite part of the episode was poor Nicholas. So predictable what would happen, but still funny to watch. lol Oh, and Sissi learning someone *coughOddcough* mimicked her voice over the phone to a boy with a crush on her. *snickers*

However, there were two things I didn't like about this episode. One, the fact that Jeremie's phone was crushed by Sissi, yet he answers it at the stairs with Patrick. Unless that was Patrick's phone, but how did Aelita get his number? :umm:

And two, the whole cousins making up felt so rushed. As soon as Jeremie arrives to the dorms, Patrick's practically spilling his guts in a minute, and the same when he's laying at the stairs! Whoa, whoa, slow down! Breathe for a minute and let some sink before continuing! Not to mention the ending felt rushed. They stretch the whole Jeremie-hates-Patrick, then shorten the whole we're-friends at the end.

Just because of those two things, I give this episode 9/10.

Oh, and personally, out of all the characters they've introduced in the series, Patrick is the only one I've seen that would make a great new Lyoko warrior, IMO. Pity he only lasted one episode. :no:
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Postby Sithking Zero » Sun Nov 18, 2007 12:40 am

Meh. Liked how Patrick stood up for his cousin.

Liked the new monster.

Rest of the episode was kinda blah.

Who wants to bet that XANA uses that new monster in every episode from now on?
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Postby Mewberries151 » Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:50 am

*blinks* For some reason, I feel like I have less to say about this episode than the others. ^^; Not sure why...I guess maybe I liked "Space Oddity" and "Canine Conundrum" more, but I'm not sure that's it.

Eh...I'll probably post a huge long thing anyway. XD;

LOL to Jeremie just hanging up on Odd in the beginning, and then threatening to "break his neck". Not only is that hilarious coming from a (clearly over-worked) Jeremie...but it'd kind of be funny to see him try...just since we all pretty much know Odd'd just run away before he could even touch him. *snickers*

Patrick is cool by me. I would have liked to see Jeremie's mother, but a cousin is close enough. And he's awesome. I'm guessing either Sharon Mann or Barbara Weber-Scaff did his voice, as it sounded like both of them at one time or the other (with a slight lean towards Sharon Mann).

And Odd gets "buuuuurrrnned". Ouch, Patrick. Just...ouch. xD

And Ulrich's found a new sparring partner. *blinks* Come to think of it, I would have loved to see a match between the two of them. Akido vs. Penchak Silat. That would've been awesome! :D

Awww...I almost feel sorry for Jeremie...if only because I can understand the whole "troublesome" cousin issue. Not sure if he was actually telling the truth about summer camp or if that was just his interpretation of it (Patrick might have done something like that, but then felt bad about it later, or simply matured past it...depending on how long ago this "summer camp" happened).

I do give kudos to Aelita though...for "metaphorically" whacking Jeremie upside the head.

Lawl to the whole Foosball game, and the reference to the "Greek friends". That was hilarious. As was Sissi, Herb, and Nicholas, "TV troubles". xD I loved how they changed the channel as soon as she left. X) Boo-yah!

Jeremie...when will you learn that locking your door will not keep anyone from that school out of your room? Even if they don't have a key, they all know how to pick locks anyway. xD

Sissi playing the "sweetheart" and Patrick having none of it. Brilliant.

Herb is apparently a sufficiently proficient hacker though, even on his own...surprising. ^^

And darn you, I know who to blame whenever my Internet goes wonky. It's you destroying data (by accident) in the digital sea! And all this time, I've been blaming Odd. ;D

Random lawl to all the voice clips Herb found, particularly the one of "Sissi". xD Nice.

And Herb finally gets his turn at being possessed...yay. If only he didn't sound so creepy. xD

Holy cow though, I would so be freaking out if I saw that Calamar trying to drill through my ship's window. That was really scary, especially the sound it made. O.o;;

The power cut scene, and the various characters reactions was great...especially the ever hapless Nicholas. X)


Jeremie attacks with "Rake Attack". It's not very effective.


And a <u>huge</u> ROFL to Aelita and Ulrich in the Desert Region. That was some of the best character interplay (during a battle) that I've seen in awhile.


Ulrich: "Yayzors...we gets to fight old-school style-"
Aelita: "PWN attack!"
Ulrich: "Awww, no fairzz!"

*snerks* The fact that she nearly blasted Ulrich's face off with that Energy Field (or at least it looked like it from that angle), was also hilarious. And lol to Ulrich's "butt-kicking" in relation to the Tarantulas. Enjoy it while you can, kid. ;)

Poor Patrick. Good thing Yumi had the forethought to get Patrick's number. ^^

And too bad he won't be staying. He was pretty cool. (:

9/10 ...since I do know how Jeremie feels. ^^;
"Hey, make up your mind. Am I a genius or a creep?"
"You're a creepy genius."

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Postby Taelia » Sun Nov 18, 2007 8:39 am

And Ulrich's found a new sparring partner. *blinks* Come to think of it, I would have loved to see a match between the two of them. Akido vs. Penchak Silat. That would've been awesome!

Yeah! He would have made a GREAT Lyoko Warrior too, but noooooo! They had to do a return trip on him too! :(

*thinks of SnakeAlien's "Savate vs. Pencak Silat" picture* :)
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Postby CustomMagnum » Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:18 pm

My only problem with this episode is the whole "parents don't want to send Patrick to Kadic" bit. Since a Return Trip happened, why would that be any different the second time around.

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Postby Kamekai » Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:43 pm

So uh, why exactly did Jeremie's computer not reboot when the power came back on? Did he maybe have some kind of emergency battery backup, or something?
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Postby Saphire-089 » Sun Nov 18, 2007 9:04 pm

I liked this episode, but i get the feeling that the only reason they played two episodes this time was because of the fact that it's not on next saturday...[size=7]

I thought Jeremie's cousin would be a complete terror at first. But I actually liked him. I half-expected him to join the team, but that probably wouldn't have happened, would it?
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Postby JesusFreak » Mon Nov 19, 2007 11:11 pm

A great episode. I liked Patrick a whole lot, and was pleased with how he was portrayed. The Kalamar....That was so AWESOME!!! I wasn't expecting a drill to come outta the thing,

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Postby ginolyoko12 » Sat Nov 24, 2007 8:10 pm

Very cool episode.

Patrick would have made a fine addition to the team! He's better than William that's for sure. He's not so cocky.

Jodi Forrest did a great job but it would have been better if Barbara Weber Scaff did his voice but in a much lower tone or Sharon Mann using Jeremie's old end of season 1 voice.

Overall, it was great.
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Postby Taelia » Sat Nov 24, 2007 8:41 pm

Patrick would have made a fine addition to the team! He's better than William that's for sure. He's not so cocky.

Jodi Forrest did a great job but it would have been better if Barbara Weber Scaff did his voice but in a much lower tone or Sharon Mann using Jeremie's old end of season 1 voice.

He is a Lyoko Warrior in a story I am writing with a friend that refurbishes the episode.

And yes, Pat sounded like Suzanne with a head cold. Sharon or Barbara (no offense, Jodi) would have been a much better choice.
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Postby MY85 » Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:14 am

7/10 and I would have gave it an 8/10, but the second half of the episode kinda dragged on for moments. The first half of this episode was very solid, entertaining and well written.
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Postby lyokolady » Sun Dec 02, 2007 12:03 pm

I have to say I really liked this one and the previous two before it. I, like everyone else was thinking it'd be the predictable "evil cousin" routine but it was a pleasant change.

The Kalamars are officially awesome. They remind me of those Matrix-squid thingies but I like them more because of that. And they're BIG! :D I dunno, I think I like CL monsters the bigger and scarier they are - a reason why Krabbes, Tarantulas and Megatanks have all been one my list forever.

But yes, I think it was an awesome episode! Sissy bugged me...but she always bugs me when she's acting like a nosy ninny.
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Postby jaimehlers » Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:12 am

Taelia wrote:Yeah! He would have made a GREAT Lyoko Warrior too, but noooooo! They had to do a return trip on him too! :(

I absolutely agree with you here. The whole "oh, hey, your parents changed their minds" thing was just a little too convenient for words. I mean, Jeremie was there long enough after the group left originally that the principal could easily have passed the message on then. And he meshed with the group so well - even Jeremie, once he had the opportunity to show his true colors off. Far better than William ever did even at his best.

*sigh* I suppose it's not to be.

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Postby Taelia » Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:28 am

In the writers' case, yes. In MY case, no. ;)
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Postby HiddenWatcher » Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:44 pm

After I saw this episode, Patrick very nearly made my list of characters I want to see thrown into a black hole. The other characters on the list are Sissi, William, Taelia, and Herve. In other words, everyone whose whole existence is solely for the purpose of causing trouble for the group, whether or not they mean to. Nicolas gets off for being funny. He manages to escape the list because Jeremie decided to forgive him. And because he left instantly and we never saw him again. Yes!

Anyway, I can see why Jeremie reacted the way he did. I mean, he was already grumpy, and then suddenly his cousin arrives to further interrupt him. I don't really think it would matter to Jeremie whether Patrick charmed his friends away intentionally or just by accident. It can't be easy for Jeremie to make friends in the first place, and after spending all that effort to just end up alone again... I think when he saw his friends liked Patrick, he was afraid it was all going to happen all over again. Though he probably should have realized his friends are much to close to simply leave him. Then again, perhaps he did realize it consciously, but he was still scared.

I felt Aelita yelling at Jeremie was completely out of line. She'd be much better off trying to talk to him calmly, perhaps after he had a chance to cool down a bit. I mean, when she says 'stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're not like him,' my reaction would be to think 'would you prefer it if I was like him?' Seems the sort of thing that could start one of those fanfics where Jeremie spends most of his time thinking bad things about himself. I've actually had to resist the temptation to write one myself. All in all, a really tactless thing to say. I can sort of see why she did it, though. She probably cares so much about Jeremie that everything he does matters to her. If it was Odd or Ulrich who were rude to their cousins, she'd probably stay out of it. I do like 'enough complaining, Jeremie's in trouble' comment at the end. Sort of brightens up the episode.

I'm also annoyed that Jeremie was made to 'learn a lesson', or something. I mean, he was right. His programs are more important than foosball. No one else seems to be taking the danger at all seriously. They seem to think they can afford to relax, even for a moment. He knows that's not true.

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, the moral is this:

Weird things happen at summer camp.


Actually, right after I finished posting this, I got to thinking, and Aelita probably meant her comment more along the lines of 'you're not like Patrick, you're like you, and you need to understand that that's fine.' As soon as I saw this, I felt a sense of deep tranquility spread over me, and suddenly I have no problem with Patrick. Also I'm wishing I'd given this episode a higher grade. Sorry for sounding angry.
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