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Swarming Attack

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Swarming Attack

Postby Mewberries151 » Wed Jul 04, 2007 2:16 am

One of my personal favorites...if only for the Y/U running rampant through it. XD

Poor Ulrich, tricked by a fake letter and totally torn by his different feelings for Yumi.

You've got to love the "eyebrow twitch" scene though. :*D

Anyway, it's attack of the killer bees (technically wasps ^^; ) for this episode. Tell us your thoughts below! :)
"Hey, make up your mind. Am I a genius or a creep?"
"You're a creepy genius."

-Odd and Jeremie; "Cruel Dilemma", Code Lyoko

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Postby JesusFreak » Wed Jul 25, 2007 8:26 pm

Eh, I thought it was a tad silly how Ulrich Pouted in Lyoko (and standing like a monolith no less!) and then he kills everything. it's like "I'm so sad. I think I'll let myself be target practice for Xana's Hornet horde. Wait, whazzat Yumi? ok, I'm all of a sudden so motivated I'll kill all the hornets in under 2 minutes!"

Avvy by Tangent, as well as the button

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Postby Carth » Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:17 am

Wow, only two posts? I'll have to fix that won't I?

When I think about this episode I think, woohoohoo! More for Ulrich's sake than any enjoyment of mine, but I'm still excited about the UlrichYumi awkward! Bring it on!

Do do de do de do de do. Theme song.

Animals really need to learn not to warnder off near the Science building. It tends to have deadly results. Proven by the activated tower that we see before Aelita or anyone else can sense it.

See this, America? Ulrich Stern reads book so you have to read books!

Lol, Ulrich sounded like a woman a bit when he was asking if anyone was there. Poor bub...or rather, entertaining bub, cause now he's gonna be all awkward and cute and awwww.

I hear Gasman. I kinda wonder what those kids were doing to get their cellphones taken. Texting in class prolly. BEES. LOTS OF BEES. WHOLE LOAD OF BEES. (Okay, wasps. But BEES IS FUNNER TO SAY.)

"What did you do last night?" As if you don't know Yumi x3 "More info on materialization in the Lyoko Towers"- why does that sound like random word salad to me?

"Imagine what she's gonna learn when she gets here. She's gonna be amazed!" She's also gonna get a personality, thankfully for you.

"I can't wait for that day to come!" <s>So why don't you appreciate her when she's there</s> Awwwwww!!! Hug for Jerbutt, anyone?

Yes! Ulrich awkward! That's something I missed in later seasons- they all get too much self-confidence. You'd think at this rate they'd be all over each other in no time, but no...

SOCCER! I LOVE this scene for no other reason than seeing Jeremie get knocked down. I could watch it again and again and again...I think I will...hold on.

I have to admit, this is a really sweet love letter! Though sometimes I wonder why these two are so keen on dancing around each other. Maybe they have some sort of aversion to relationships or trauma in their past...? Ulrich I can understand hasn't had many great personal relationships, and Yumi's parents aren't the best example...

Yes, I'd be disappointed too if the love of my life's head turned into a soccer ball. Indeed was his playing weird, he just lay on the field the whole time.

Ah, and the scene that was captioned in a million shippy ways. Odd you are eight years old at heart.

"I'm not telling anyone. Not a word to Yumi." Could he make it ANY more obvious?

"Hey, Odd, did I really play better than him?" Actually, yes. He did save the ball after all...


AHAHAHA. What I love the most about this mistake is that Milly and Tamiya are talking about themselves. Or they appear to be and the mouth movements just matched up. I love how they're just girl-watching...

"Look, I'm an expert with girls." We know.

"Who has Emily flipped over?" "Jim!" Okay, can I just say, EEEWWWW!! How old is Jim, forty? In his forties? Yumi should have called the police or something. Hopefully she just took Odd to be an idiot. And hopefully Jim didn't hear...

Why's Kiwi just wandering aboot if Odd isn't there? Ulrich is, I guess. LOL, he's obsessing over the letter...

"Who did that to you?" BEEEEES. LOADS OF BEEEEES.

I think this is one of the few times I've felt sympathy for Kiwi...*pets the pup* Helpful Yumi is helpful. Awkward Ulrich is awkward.

So she didn't take it as a joke. Stuupid.

"What's that all about?" "I don't know." But this is cute! IlOdd in this episode.

I'm glad this is the kind of XANA attack that they think they can get help on from actual authorities...even though they really can't. Help being...Groundskeeper Guy! Though Groundskeeper Guy turns out to be no help...he does manage to get background characters out of frozen positions. Why is he chasing bees at ALL with ANY skin exposed?

Yumi to the rescue! I think this counts as a slight awkward sexual tackle...and now we have a full on awkward sexual tackle. I love how his eyebrow sort of...vibrates. And then Yumi just sorta leaps off...

Mr. what? Whatever it is, it's not his name. Oh, Season 1. Odd, I think it's safe to say that if bees chase after any of these kids, it's XANA. I think "keep me posted" is a catchphrase of Yumi's by now...

Odd, I don't think Ulrich can hear you. He's doing some more eyebrow vibration. I love Ulrich.

Odd makes the best faces ever.

OH MY GOD THIS SCENE. WHAP. Emily gave it to him good...I kinda wish they'd shown it onscreen. Come on, if they can show panties they can show a good whupping. Jeremie and Ulrich laughing at him is just the icing on the cake.

Typing typing. Aelita must be bored, sitting there waiting for Jeremie to talk to her each day. You think she could take the time to develop a mind of her own. Another instance of scene reuse fail- Jeremie looks sweetly nervous when he should be scared for an attack. I am happy they seem to have added more animations for her communications, though.

Tower bubbles are kind of transparent. That's kinda neat. Oh, I finally figured out the difference between a superscan and a regular scan- regular are manual, while superscans are instant.

Lucky that she got to the forest just as Jerbutt found the tower...

I think I can lend some credit to my "scared of relationships" idea, considering it took Ulrich ALL DAY to confront her about this.

Wait. Wait. WAIT. HE ALL BUT- no, scratch that, HE CONFESSED HIS LOVE TO HER. WHAT IS THIS. And-and WHY, if Sissi wants to be with Ulrich so bad, WHY would she send that letter AND make it that obvious she sent it? If she kept her involvement under wraps she could have intervened in the sexual awkward, but now...this girl is twisted.

Poor Ulrich D:. Imma try to psychoanalyze From what I can see, he's not comfortable with close relationships with people, and the one time he dares to try one, he's taken advantage of. So he thinks he's defending himself, and also feels embarassed because he DOES have feelings for Yumi and he's afraid she doesn't really feel the same.

BEEEEESSS. Can't they use that cellar entrance? Maybe it just stopped existing after Plagued...or after Odd stopped carrying boats in his pocket. Still, LOL @ sewer water. Swimming time! I'm very surprised Odd's hair isn't wilting. This also must be a half-possession, like the rats, because there is an animalian weakness involved.

Aww, Ulrich be sulkin in his crib.

"Every time I look at you, I don't know what to think." I think this is one of the more poignant lines in their relationship...why they never got together I have NO idea.

Leave it to Jeremie to casually interrupt a relationship with XANA. And by "help is on the way", we mean Ulrich storms out the door followed by everyone else. I wonder how many times this has happened.

BEEES. Well, now this makes sense, now that we know Jerbutt was an amateur roboticist for a lengthy amount of time. 30,000 Hertz? No thank you.

Tripping, the bane of a cartoon's existence.


Dead batteries, the OTHER bane of a cartoon character's existence. Best look on Ulrich's face EVER. Heavy panting, the third bane of a cartoon character's...


Hey, the spinny virtualization things are gone! The show is growing up! They seem to be cutting back on the Lyoko scenes, and for this episode, this is good. Don't worry, Jer my love, Aelita's okay.

"What a genius I am!" Sure, Sissi, but what were you accomplishing again? She's quite a fast runner...BEEES.

OHLOL, more bees. And they don't even say anything about the irony of that?

That's self-absorbed of you, Ulrich. Endangering your school just cause you're pissed off? That's just irresponsible...


Aelita's okay! And now we can ignore her. Somehow I feel like there's a little more precision in their Lyoko fighting now. Like they're improving.


So 20 life points minus two hits is 20 life points. Lovely. And Ulrich's not doing a damn thing.

Okay, I have to say the devirtualization lazer arrow thing was awesome. (Also, has anyone noticed he's only run out of arrows once so far in the series...?)

Yay, Yumi! Knock some sense into his noggin! This is why he loves you- you're the only one that can convince him to be like MURDER THE BEES

Lovely still image of attacking BEES.

Oh god, now there are three mopey Ulrichs. Aelita, get up there!

"Ulrich, you're the greatest." Ulrich is amazing.

Now for the nail-biter minute...poor Emily, she could never confess her love...and the bees stop in their tracks. Yay!


BUSTED. The awkward remains, but Sissi no longer has the pride.

- Genuinely entertaining
- Both XANA attack and subplot pulled off well- a rarity for a show where execution is not a strong point
- Odd ilu
- Jeremie getting hit with a soccer ball
- Wonderful characterization

- Aelita does not say one word that isn't about the XANA attack
- Ulrich awkward goes just a little too far
- EmilyxJim is nawt OTP
- Sissi's motive is unclear

Overall unexpectedly one of the better episodes of Season 1, and a clear sign that the plots are about to get better, more involved, and certainly more memorable.
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Postby Aerodynamite79 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:20 pm

Carth wrote:Yes! Ulrich awkward! That's something I missed in later seasons- they all get too much self-confidence. You'd think at this rate they'd be all over each other in no time, but no...

could argue that self-confidence borders on cockiness in later seasons but that's a debate for another day.

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Postby Carth » Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:37 pm

Aerodynamite79 wrote:
Carth wrote:Yes! Ulrich awkward! That's something I missed in later seasons- they all get too much self-confidence. You'd think at this rate they'd be all over each other in no time, but no...

could argue that self-confidence borders on cockiness in later seasons but that's a debate for another day.

Come to think of it, you're probably right...but I'll have to go back to Season 4 to confirm that. Rereading this review, I know it must've been late at night when I did it, because it reads all loopy.

I am planning to continue these! Just not at the moment.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sat Dec 05, 2009 2:05 am

They went overboard in S4 from what I gather.

This episode was great... CL classic.

Personally, aside from some slight twitches, I say we revert back to S1-3.

They made them too overly-mainstream in S4.

They made Ulrich look like a biker! I will never forgive them for that! :arg:
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