Worlds away from Home by Vchat20
[Reviews - 2]

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Soon Jeremie arrives to the control room.

Jeremie: “Odd? Where are the others? Are they ok?”
Odd: “Aelita already deactivated the tower. She is still on Lyoko, but I managed to Materialize Ulrich and Yumi.”
Yumi: “Uh. We have a problem here.”
Jeremie: *As Him and Odd proceed to the elevator* “I hope you didn’t mess up anything.”

Odd and Jeremie arrive to the scanner room and notice Ulrich and Yumi standing in front of an open scanner still waiting for the rolling steam to clear. As they approach Yumi and Ulrich, another scanner opens and Aelita steps out.

Aelita: “When I noticed no one was at the computer, I materialized myself. What’s going on?”

As the steam finally clears, we notice someone huddled in the bottom of the scanner.

Person: *just waking up* “Wha? Where am I?”
Jeremie: “Umm. Where did you come from?”
Person: *listens to Jeremie’s voice* “Jeremie?”
Jeremie: “Yes? How do you know my name? And you still didn’t tell me where you came from.”

He now sits up but is still sitting in the bottom of the scanner. We soon notice this person as Chad whom we introduced in our first chapter.

Chad: “I don’t know how I got here. I’m not from this country let alone this universe. All I know is that I live in America and you guys are not real, but rather are a TV show.”

All: “What?!”
Chad: “My name is Chad and all of you are Jeremie, Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, and of course Aelita.”
Jeremie: “But how did you get here?”
Chad: “I don’t know. Last I remember I was watching your show. I must have fallen asleep. Next I know I woke up here.”
Odd: “…Ok. I’m confused. So we are on a TV show in your universe and somehow I managed to materialize you here.”
Jeremie: “What? You materialized him?!”
Odd: “Hold on there a minute Einstein. First of all, I was only materializing Ulrich and Yumi. Secondly, I followed your notes to the letter so it had to do with what you had written.”
Jeremie: “All my notes are exact and precise. There is nothing wrong with my notes. You must have typed something wrong.”
Aelita: “Wait. Do you think it’s possible that Odd materializing Ulrich and Yumi while I was deactivating the tower could have done this?”
Jeremie: “Possibly, but I would have to check the materialization program to see if any modifications were made first. But that would only tell me if it was something Odd did or if it was something else. I’m still confused as to how he got here from another universe.”
Chad: “I’m confused. So what am I supposed to do now?”

Everyone looks around at each other with a confused look.

Jeremie: “You can room with me until I can figure this out. Hopefully it won’t take too long.”
Ulrich: *checks his watch* “Well, its getting pretty late. We need to get back before Jim finds out we are gone.”
Jeremie: “Darn! I forgot about that. Jim is going to kill me when he finds out that I left.”
Yumi: “What did you do?”
Jeremie: “Jim left the room for a few minutes and I snuck out. He’s probably scouring the campus for me

We flash forward outside the campus as the
group sneaks up. In front of the school, we see Jim running from the dorms to
the school.

Yumi: “Ok. I’m going home. I will see all of you tomorrow.”
Ulrich: “Goodnight Yumi.”
Odd: “Ok. Jim is in the school, lets get to the dorm before he comes back.”

We flash forward to inside Jeremies room, facing the door. We see Jeremie and Chad sneaking into the room. Chad proceeds to drop his backpack on the bed to the right side of the room and sits down on the same bed. Jereme sits down at the computer and immediately starts typing away.

Chad: “So what are you doing now?”
Jeremie: “I have to figure out what happened as soon as possible. You obviously can’t stay here. I have to find out how to send you back to your own Universe. The super computer brought you here so it should be able to send you back.”
Chad: “Ok. But what if it takes a while? Like a month or maybe a year? I’m going to need some kind of public info so I don’t have to hide all the time.”

Then suddenly a knock comes at the door.

Jim: *from outside the door* “Belpois!”

Chad quickly scoots back into the corner. Just
at that time, Jim opens the door. The way the door is mounted, when opened it
sits flush against the bed Chad is sitting on so Jim doesn’t see him. Jeremie
quickly swivels his chair around.

Jim: “Where did you go?! You know you had detention!”

Jeremie: “It was an emergency. My dad called and I had to go.”

Jim: “Well don’t let it happen again Belpois!”

He leaves and slams the door behind him.

Jeremie: “Phew!”
Chad: “See what I mean? If Jim saw me, he would have asked all kinds of questions that I couldn’t explain. I need to get myself into the school.”
Jeremie: “I will take you to see Mr. Delmas tomorrow. Hopefully I can convince him to have us share a room.”
Chad: “Ok.”

Chad opens up his backpack and pulls out his laptop. It is a black laptop very similar to Jeremie’s. He opens it up to a dark color schemed windows desktop with a blank, dark grey background. He pulls up what looks to be winamp which already has a few songs listed. He grabs a pair of headphones out of his backpack, plugs them into his laptop and presses play. He closes the laptop and sets it on the bed in the corner. He slips on the headphones and proceeds to slide under the covers and soon falls asleep. At this point, Jeremie is still working on the computer.

Next Morning, Our next view is over the computer desk where we see Jeremie slumped over with his head barely resting on the keyboard. He soon stirs, wakes up, quickly sits up, and looks around to see that Chad is still there. Chad is now sitting up in bed, laptop sitting on his lap with headphones still on and plugged in. As he notices Jeremie wake up, he slips his headphones off and down around his neck.

Chad: “Good morning sunshine. I figured you were gonna sleep all day.”
Jeremie: “What time is it?”
Chad: *takes a quick glance at the laptop screen* “Just a few minutes past 7.”
Jeremie: “I slept in THAT late? We have to go see Mr. Delmas now. He doesn’t stay in that long on Saturday’s.”

Chad unplugs his headphones and lays them on the bed. After a few keystrokes, he closes his laptop and slides over to plant his feet on the floor. Meanwhile, Jeremie grabs his laptop and the two proceed out of the room.

Our next view is out in the courtyard as the two walk out of the dorm. We already see the rest of the group hovering around the bench in the center of the courtyard. Instead of sitting down as he usually does, Jeremie and Chad proceed onwards towards the school to meet Mr. Delmas.

Ulrich: “Hey. Where are you two going?”
Jeremie: “Going to talk to Mr. Delmas.”
Yumi: “Why?”
Chad: “Me and Jeremie had a little chat last night and a close call with Jim. We decided I would become a boarder here at Kadic. I’m going to sign up now.”

Jeremie and Chad enter Mr. Delmas’ office. Mr. Delmas was just about to pick up his briefcase and leave. As he noticed the two come in, he sat back down.

Mr. Delmas: “Hello Jeremie. Who’s your friend?”
Jeremie: “Oh. He is the reason we came. He’s going to be joining Kadic. He’s a transfer student from America.”
Mr. Delmas: “Ok. What is your name boy?”
Chad: “Umm. Chad. Chad Rains.”
Mr. Delmas: “Ok Chad. What grade are you in?”
Chad: “9th grade sir.”
Mr. Delmas: *as he writes this down* “Ok. Now we just need to get you a room.”
Chad: *as Mr. Delmas starts flipping through a rather large records book* “If it’s ok with you sir, I would like to room with Jeremie.”
Mr. Delmas: *as he looks up from the book* “If it’s ok with Jeremie, its fine with me.”
Jeremie: “Sure. I wouldn’t mind.”
Mr. Delmas: “Then it’s settled. Welcome to Kadic, Mr. Rains. I will walk you two out.”
Chad: “Thank you sir.”

Mr. Delmas gets up and grabs his briefcase and follows Jeremie and Chad out the door. Just as they make it outside, Mr. Delmas stops them.

Mr. Delmas: “Oh. Mr. Rains. Meet me in my office first thing Monday morning. I will give you your schedule and necessary materials.”
Chad: “Will do sir.”

As Mr. Delmas walks off, Jeremie and Chad proceed to the center of the courtyard again where they meet up with the rest of the group whom are still sitting on the sole bench in the center of the courtyard.

Yumi: “So did you get signed up?”
Chad: “Yep. And I am rooming with Jeremie.”
Aelita: “Did you find out how Chad got here?”
Jeremie: “Oh. I almost forgot about that. Good news is that it wasn’t Odd’s doing. XANA modified the materialization program before you deactivated the tower. Bad news is that I don’t know what modifications he made so it may very well take a few months at the least to find a way to send Chad back to his own universe.”
Odd: “Well, at least you have a room here till you can get back. Let’s just hope you will get along with Jeremie.”
Chad: *smiles* “You might be surprised.”
~ Table of Contents ~
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