In any case, if you would like to request BKO access, you can PM any of the Admins for permission. That means you can PM X1, TB3, or myself for access.
Make sure that you follow the guidelines for requesting access outlined here.
Also, the post minimum for BKO has been raised to 75 posts (this change, as with the last post count requirement change, applies to users joining after the date of this post). This change will help us get a better spectrum of a person's posting habits as well as general behavior (since honestly, it's hard to gage a person if the majority of their posts are in Games).
Speaking of Games, I believe it was previously mentioned in other BKO updates that if the majority of your posts are in Games (and in certain cases, Newbies), you will likely be deferred for BKO access.
At any rate though, please remember that you can PM any of the Admins for access now.