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BKO Access Updates

Postby Mewberries151 » Mon Jan 15, 2007 10:46 pm

I know a lot of you have been itching to get into BKO lately. With the new change in Admins and Mods, it's taken us a bit of time to figure out who's in charge of BKO admissions and what, if any, are the new qualifications. A big thank you goes to all of you who have been waiting for your patience over this. :)

In any case, if you would like to request BKO access, you can PM any of the Admins for permission. That means you can PM X1, TB3, or myself for access.

Make sure that you follow the guidelines for requesting access outlined here.

Also, the post minimum for BKO has been raised to 75 posts (this change, as with the last post count requirement change, applies to users joining after the date of this post). This change will help us get a better spectrum of a person's posting habits as well as general behavior (since honestly, it's hard to gage a person if the majority of their posts are in Games).

Speaking of Games, I believe it was previously mentioned in other BKO updates that if the majority of your posts are in Games (and in certain cases, Newbies), you will likely be deferred for BKO access.

At any rate though, please remember that you can PM any of the Admins for access now. ;)
Last edited by Mewberries151 on Tue Jan 05, 2010 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Rail Runner » Tue Jan 16, 2007 10:58 pm

I like that rule about the games posts...they need to post elswhere so that way we can get a good feel for them.

Good luck with the access Mew *and the others*.
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Postby Andy Waltfeld » Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:18 pm

Just when I thought I'd hit the clear point on Technical Discussion, this happens.

Frankly, I can't think of anywhere else to post BUT Games. Episode Discussion doesn't have the flair it should during spurts of new episodes, while CL Discussion is busy defusing claims that Aelita's older than she looks and our sacred JxA may be illegal. Fanart and Fanfiction take too long to bring up new stuff for critiquing, and I've been in enough trouble for necroposting.

Which leaves me the VA Room, Technical Discussion, General Discussion, the Site boards, and Rant. And I'm not emo enough for Rant.

Looks like my timetable has to be shifted back a couple of weeks.
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Postby Cassius335 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 9:14 pm

Andy Waltfeld wrote:and our sacred JxA may be illegal.

Only chronologically, if that helps...
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Postby Andy Waltfeld » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:17 pm

Let's not turn this topic into a repeat of that one, shall we?
My SN is spelled Feld, not Field. Keep getting it right, Carth.
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Postby MY85 » Sat Feb 24, 2007 1:23 pm

Andy Waltfeld wrote:And I'm not emo enough for Rant.


Good quote, I'd say.
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Postby Lyoko SA80 » Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:28 am

I hope to:cussout: . I can get in I have been waiting for more than a year .So I hope to get in .I'm 17 for :cussout:sake

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Postby Gauntlet » Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:15 pm

Lyoko Soldier wrote:I hope to:cussout: . I can get in I have been waiting for more than a year .So I hope to get in .I'm 17 for :cussout:sake


I've always wondered why you weren't in BKO. Kind of strange--thought you just never posted there. What stopped you?
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Postby Lyoko SA80 » Thu Jun 07, 2007 7:07 am

Well it because people are weak here .I have been trying to get on it but no one's caring .So I have backed off .It just a sign of weakness in my eye's .Some people are just need to be stong.It could aslo be my spelling/grammer. but do you see a problem with this .I admit sometimes it off .But I have improved .I don't really see a point to try again as I leaving lyokofeak soon.

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Postby Mewberries151 » Thu Jun 07, 2007 5:21 pm

Look Lyoko Soldier...I don't know what the problem is here but I think it might help you to re-read the FAQ about BKO

Particularly this paragraph:

WHEN YOU QUALIFY TO BE ALLOWED INTO BKO: send a Private Message to one of the Admins with the phrase "I'm ready!" in your subject (and whatever else in the body... doesn't matter) just to show you read the rules. We'll evaluate your stats, and if you pass, you'll be added to the BKO-allow group and that will be that.

By the way, we reserve the right to remove people from BKO when we feel it's necessary, so don't try anything when you get in.

How are we supposed to let you into BKO if we don't know you want to be let in? That's why if you want to get into BKO, you need to send us a PM telling us that you feel you're ready and want to.

Not to be mean but, next time, please check the FAQs before you start shouting about "being ignored".

Thank you.
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Postby Lyoko SA80 » Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:41 am

yeah I teied that a few time with no reason .but as it you I try for the last time ok .sorry about the trouble it's just I truly hate things like this .It really gets on my nerves.

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Postby Kamekai » Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:04 am

I feel ignored. :D I really wanna get in, but alas, it isn't so... I did do that stuff. A-am I not worthy enough for BKO access?

*Looks Above* Wow, that last part sounded kinda snobby. :duckie:

BTW, I just recently turned 13. ^^; that's why I didn't join a year ago when I found this site, being 12 and all. :/ . I also guess it had something to do with my introversy...meh.
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Postby Lyoko SA80 » Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:56 pm

well I got a reply from mewberries about this .Due to the fact everyone is fighting on it .the mons are up teied with all people going on a just making itm worst .so I have just stepped back .I you all know what I mean .

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Postby Kamekai » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:00 pm

We you all it know what mean you. :*D *sigh...* j/k :D
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Postby Tekirai » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:03 pm

kamekai wrote:We you all it know what mean you. :*D *sigh...* j/k :D

... there's a thin line between joking and downright offending. =\ Better watch yourself.
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Postby Kamekai » Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:49 pm

A very thin line, I know. But you guys know I don't mean it, heck I don't take anything I say seriously! :D I know it's not his fault, but it was just too funny to pass up...
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Postby Lyoko SA80 » Tue Aug 07, 2007 5:06 am

well I don't really see want the joke was .but I really feel sorry for people who can't get on .But if you do go on a fights starts someone is going to be banned .so Just think about put it. It a good call.

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