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Postby Carth » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:13 pm

So there's this thing called Dance at the school and yumi said you had to take a thing called Date. And she said Date had to be a girl, and date had to be pretty and beautiful. but she was i couldn't have a Date because i wasnt going. and i was why. and she was cause i said so. and i was okay, but im gonna get Date anyway case i wanna go to Dance.

Aelita is pretty and beautiful, so i was Aelita will you be Date. and Aelita was laugh and im not sure. and i was why. and she was clone youre cute but you dont understand. and i was i want to understand. and my names not clone its william.

it is william, right?

Prompt: Yumi
Character: William
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Postby Aerodynamite79 » Sat Oct 24, 2009 2:31 pm

Does she see me? I don't know. Maybe I should? There it is, a glance, and I smile at her. The smile she returns to me makes my heart beat faster. I'm gonna go over and talk to....oh...there's Ulrich. And there she goes over to talk with him. Darn it, another chance lost.

What does she see in him that she doesn't see in me? Is it looks? Maybe. Is it personality? Maybe. Is it attitude? Maybe. Urgh, I can never quite figure it out.

I won’t let this moment hold me back. She’ll see I’m the one for her….eventually.

Prompt: Respect
Character: Odd

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:56 am

Principal Delmas: Odd, we teachers have been talking about you, and we decided you need to show us a bit more respect, young man.

Odd: But I'm never disrepectful!!!!... er... sir.

Ms. Hertz: Whenever you get one of my tests you fold it into an Oragami Crane!

Jim : Well, Suzanne, it's really a swan.

*Ms. Hertz gives Jim the death glare... he backs away.

Odd: Well at least I turn it into something nice! Not like those other kids that just crumple it into a ball and throw it into a corner!

Ms. Hertz: ...


Prompt: Sewers
Character: Ulrich
SearchingLyoko Delenda Est.

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Postby Stonecreek » Mon Jan 11, 2010 10:55 pm

Once again, doing a prompt I don't much care for just to see this thread live a little.

Prompt: Sewers
Character: Ulrich
Words: 100
Rating: PG

Ask any teenager their feelings about the local sewer system, and you'll be lucky to get an answer at all. More than likely, you'll get a blank stare or a look that clearly questions your sanity for asking such a question. After all, a normal teen would think of the horrible smell first, or the damp, dark, confined spaces, or maybe the many rats that live there. But when I get asked that question, I have a different answer than most. And when Yumi poses that query to me, sporting a come-hither look, well, there’s no place I’d rather be.

Prompt: Snow
Character: Any

Ha, edited for a stupid typo.
Last edited by Stonecreek on Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:08 pm

When I saw Yumi trapped under that tree during XANA's snowstorm, my heart was almost ripped out of my chest with worry. Even the most beutiful of things, such as snow, can be deadly. And no matter how much we love the snow, it could easily take someone we love. My only concern was to warm her. For someone who has shown me so much warmth, I could not let her go cold. The snow may be beatiful, but it is cold. Those who we love are both beautiful and have more warmth than the sun.


Subject: Friendship
Character: Any
SearchingLyoko Delenda Est.

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Postby Carth » Tue Jan 12, 2010 12:26 am

No! I had a really good drabble for that one...can I do two? Yay! I can do two.


Prompt: Snow
Characters: Aelita
Setting: Christmas, 2007, between Distant Memory and Hard Luck

It was snowing hard when Aelita woke. The clock next to Jeremie's bed read 5:58, and she could hear no movement from anywhere else in the Belpois household. This was the second thing to meet her eyes; the first was the snow. She stared at the falling tufts for a moment, thoughtless and transfixed. Unfamilliar sensations and memories surfaced all at once, and a childish longing filled her mind. Almost automatically, as if from a reflex, she tiptoed down the stairs, past Jeremie, huddled without complaint on his sofa, and out the door into the snow-covered street, without so much as a coat.

The bitter sting of the cold flakes against the bare skin her nightgown did not cover melted into a feeling of sight, the dark stain of a melted flake against a tiny mitten. The buildings became a wood, an endless mass of trees reaching beyond infinity in her tiny perception, and gigantic. She had never considered that she had never touched snow since that age. She had never even considered that it snowed anywhere but in her memories.

There were muffled voices from behind her; she did not know at what time they started. Her child's mind took over her reason, and trust overruled suspicion. Daddy and Mommy, of course. Daddy and Mommy were close by, to make sure she didn't run away. Daddy and Mommy to check the woods for the wolves and other creatures, to keep the world safe. Daddy...and Mommy...and...

"What is she doing? She'll catch a cold!"

"Anita, dear, she's Canadian. They do this all the time."

"What's going on- Aelita! What do you think you're doing?"

Aelita turned to face the family, silent but smiling. Her fantasy visions dissolved in ribbons as she saw Jeremie's face, fraught with worry and wonder. But the happiness remained. The happiness couldn't go away.


Prompt: Friendship
Character: William

You can't love anyone, can you

You haven't made your choice. I didn't see what you said to Ulrich but I saw his eyes, and even without speaking, I know you said it to me too

But I saw it in his eyes, he loves you he is your friend you are his friend

My love is not a yes or no to be canceled

I will not lose. I will not lose to him and I will not lose to you and I will not lose you

Because before I knew you you were my everything

Just friends, maybe that's all you want out of me and I love you so I'm your friend. And if you loved him I love you and I would wait. I will be your friend but you will never be mine.

If you want everything I can give you rest assured I will be your everything when you want nothing else to exist

I don't think Ulrich can make you that promise when he's afraid to say your name

Right Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi Yumi


I love stream of consciousness.

Prompt: Odd
Character: Kiwi (DOHOHO)
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Postby Stonecreek » Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:30 pm

I'm cheating here, as I used this one already (sorta - see my Odd, Buckets drabble). I just want to see more drabbles written, darn it!

Character: Kiwi

Prompt: Odd

Rating: PG

Words: 100

It was times like these, Kiwi mused, that he wondered why he bothered to keep a human.

Jim had discovered him (thanks to Odd). Then he had to use the hapless phys. ed. teacher as a fire hydrant to distract the blond bozo. No, the icing on the cake had been prancing off down the hall, spritzing everything in sight to get his point across.

He kept at it for an hour before Odd could corral him. Afterwards Jim, a bucket of soapy water in hand, marched Odd off to detention. And Kiwi at last had some peace and quiet.

Prompt: Flirtation
Characters: Sissi and Odd

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Carth » Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:35 pm

Topic: Flirtation
Characters: Sissi and Odd

GiantPurpleCat: hellloooo pri
Princesssxx: lol, is that what you're calling me now?
GiantPurpleCat: i already call someone else princess
Princesssxx: what's that supposed to mean?
Princesssxx: you got a gf?
GiantPurpleCat: I did yesterday
GiantPurpleCat: but it wasn't her. look nvm
GiantPurpleCat: how was your day?
Princesssxx: lol whatever :]
Princesssxx: great actually! so far neway
Princesssxx: hertz is about to start. wtf is that class? she just goes on and on and doesn't explain anything
GiantPurpleCat: ASDFGHJKL
GiantPurpleCat: You're in 4th period Hertz?
Princesssxx: are you???
GiantPurpleCat: OMG
GiantPurpleCat: right now
GiantPurpleCat: i'm not looking up
Princesssxx: neither am i ;]
GiantPurpleCat: You're right, though
Princesssxx: aww, thank you
Princesssxx: I don't see why we need to go to school really. I learn everything i need to know from 3-12, not 8-3
GiantPurpleCat: you have no idea
Princesssxx: oh there she is
Princesssxx: can you chat this evening? or does your friend need his computer?
GiantPurpleCat: My friend always needs his computer
Princesssxx: Sketchyy
GiantPurpleCat: I know
Princesssxx: Well bye
GiantPurpleCat: See you
Princesssxx: I probably will! LOL
GiantPurpleCat: ;]
GiantPurpleCat: <3
Princesssxx: Aww
Princesssxx: You're too cute to be real
Princesssxx: I bet you're someone really ugly or something
GiantPurpleCat: I'm sexy as hell
Princesssxx: jk ^__^
Princesssxx: bye
GiantPurpleCat: bye <3

Topic: Life
Character: Any of the new novel characters (Eva, Yukiko, Erik, etc.)
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Postby Stonecreek » Mon May 03, 2010 8:00 pm

Prompt: Life
Character: Eva Skinner (a la XANA)
Words: 100
Rating: PG-ish

Also, set between books one and two. For fun. And because the end product makes me insanely happy for some reason.

Life was the businesswoman, slumped awkwardly over her laptop. Life was the elderly gentleman, with far more than saliva dribbling on his tie. Life was the perky hostess who had offered me juice. I was not happy with this version of life.

Life is the knowledge that anything I want is mine. Life is being able to taste the cognac in my glass while watching the juice seep into the upholstery. Life is having the cabin to myself with none the wiser. Life is the blood staining my hands. Life is meant to be ended by me and me alone.

New prompt: Write something, darn it!
New character: Make it about someone, darn it!

In other words, just write!

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Rho » Tue May 04, 2010 1:34 am

Prompt: The Fresh Student of Kadic Academy
Character: Ulrich
Words: too lazy to count
Rating: G

It was a fine day in the city of Lyon, France. A young, athletic boy by the name of Ulrich Stern was playing soccer, or as they call it there, football, at the schoolyard. Ulrich was in the 6th Grade and was going to graduate soon. At one point, Stern got the ball and kicked it towards the goal, but to his despair, it hit a couple of guys whom were not up to any good, and they started to make trouble in his neighborhood. These troublemakers were not from the school, but rather were 8th graders.
"HEY PUNK!" one of them said. "YOU GOT A PROBLEM?"
Ulrich attempted to escape by saying "Ich.. Ich spreche kein Englisch.."
One of the other troublemakers began pushing Ulrich.
Ulrich had seen enough. He punched the troublemaker, and a large fight broke out.
Upon the arrival of the news to Ulrich's father, he got irate and said "You're moving to a boarding school in Paris."
Ulrich was devastated. He could not leave Lyon!
He begged and pleaded with his mother day after day, but she packed his suitcase and sent him on his way. She gave him a kiss and she gave him a ticket. Ulrich put his walkman on and said "Well..I might as well kick it."
Ulrich whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said "FRAIS" and there were dice in the mirror.
If anything, Ulrich could say that this cab was rare, but he thought "Nah, forget it. Yo homes to Kadic!"
Ulrich pulled up to the school at about 19:00 or 20:00 and he yelled to the cab driver "Yo homes, smell you later!"
Ulrich then saw another student - a tall asian female dressed in black clothing.
"Maybe this won't be so bad." said Ulrich.

[Yes, I know Ulrich did not come from Lyon, and that he didn't meet Yumi when he got to Kadic. ]

New prompt: Food fight
New characters: Sissi, Nicolas, Herve, Aelita, Yumi, Ulrich
"english isnt his first language, leave him alone. im more upset at people that have been speaking english their whole lives and cant write a readable sentence."
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Postby Aerodynamite79 » Tue May 04, 2010 10:34 am

You know sometimes it's just fun to watch the chaos unfold around me. To just let the world go to chaos while I watch it. Maybe it's a bit odd, but there is something to be said about watching the world fall apart while you remain a beacon of calm during it all.

I watch Nicholas launch his bomb towards Ulrich's head. It appears to be a direct hit until it ducks and hit the unfortunate person to walk through the cafeteria doors at the moment of impact, Yumi. There is a split second look of confusion on her face before, anger takes over and she's fighting as well, throwing her bombs at Herve's head (and I must admit being a pretty good shot too judging by the direct impact she scored on his shirt).

I look around and see Aelita seemingly trying to find cover. Until I see she's armed as well, and just waiting for her shot...which looking as it does now should happen in Nicolas never saw what hit him.

However, I'm staying calm, and just letting the chaos unfold around me. It's just an oddly relaxing feeling to be the pillar of calm during the storm.

At least until the potato salad landed on my head.

New prompt: Driving
New characters: Jeremy

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Postby Taelia » Wed May 05, 2010 3:43 pm


Who's Yukiko-chan? :umm:
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Postby Rho » Wed May 05, 2010 9:05 pm

Taelia wrote:

Who's Yukiko-chan? :umm:

> Any of the new novel characters
>novel characters
"english isnt his first language, leave him alone. im more upset at people that have been speaking english their whole lives and cant write a readable sentence."
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Postby Taelia » Thu May 06, 2010 12:27 am

Ah, thanks.
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Postby Rho » Thu May 06, 2010 2:42 am

Jeremie's blood pressure was skyrocketing at the speed of an elephant being dropped off a cliff.
"I CAN'T TURN THE KEY!!!" he screamed.
Aelita, whom was in the passenger seat, got a look of annoyance on her face.
"Jeremie, let me try.." she said as she reached over, turning the key, and successfully starting the engine.
Jeremie froze and was silent for several moments before meekly saying "...I loosened it for you."
Aelita smirked. "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!"
Jeremie raised an eyebrow. "Whatever. Let's go."
They were peacefully driving down the road, heading to their destination, when some bad driver sped past them and cut them off.
Jeremie reached his head out the window. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE -BKO- GOING, YOU -BKO- PIECE OF -BKO-!!!!!!"
Aelita sighed. "My god, some people don't know how to drive at all." she said as she watched the same driver run a red light, which after she said that, became green.
Jeremie slammed his foot on the pedal. The car was going over 100MPH.

"Jeremie, you moron, you're going to get us arrested! We're going to be on COPS if you keep this up, and then they'll find Odd's weed that he left in here!" Aelita yelled.
"I DON'T CARE." Jeremie responded.
He reached the bad driver.

The driver could see Jeremie's look of evil in his rearview mirror.
He ignored it.

Jeremie then went in to plow into the car, but he missed and crashed into a tree.

New prompt: Playing video games
New characters: Main 7
"english isnt his first language, leave him alone. im more upset at people that have been speaking english their whole lives and cant write a readable sentence."
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Postby Aerodynamite79 » Fri May 28, 2010 7:01 pm

"HA! No one can beat me!" yelled Odd. "You lucked out" said both Ulrich and Yumi at the same time. This wasn't an untrue fact. Yumi and Ulrich had been just about to beat Odd, when a loud noise of books dropping, followed by the sounds of Jim saying a rather impolite saying had distracted them for just a split second. That was all Odd had needed to beat them.

Of course, Odd wasn't going to let that little fact stop him from doing some gloating. After all, after beating Ulrich, Yumi, and William in one week at Kung Fu Mega Monkeys II, dictated some sort of victory celebration. However, Odd felt that his victory was incomplete and that something was missing. He couldn't figure out what until a certain bespectacled boy and his pink haired friend entered the room.

"Hey Jeremy, Aelita! You want to come play some games?" shouted Odd. "This will be easy" he thought to himself.

About a half hour later, Odd found himself wishing he hadn't challenged them. Or at the least that it hadn't taken them about a minute to beat him.

Character: Yolanda
Subject: Pranks

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Postby Tekirai » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:59 am

Another day and Yolanda had little to do.

Nobody ever really came into the infirmary anymore. This was a good thing, though. It would have meant both students and teachers alike at Kadic took decent care of themselves. Still, it made her feel... not bored, but listless.

There was a knock at the door and she sat up. How ironic. It swung open, and Yolanda’s eyes widened.

"Ulrich, what has Odd done to you?"

"It was an accident! Honest!"

"Oh, you are such a liar! This thing is really stuck -"

Guess it’s back to the grind.

Still, she smiled.


......the one time I feel compelled to play this game and it looks like an awkward prompt lol. I tried it anyway. The "100 words exactement" actually made this look a little empty, but I think that reflects the situation well. 8D; ineedmoredrabblepracticesob

Prompt: Herve
Character: Nicolas
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Postby Stonecreek » Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:51 pm

Well, here's what I wrote a while back...

Stonecreek wrote:Character: Nicholas
Prompt: Herve
Words: 100
Rating: PG

He’s a nerd. People think I'm uncool, but at least I can play the drums. Herve, on the other hand, is hopeless. Strike one - the glasses. Strike two - the acne. Strike three - his debasing infatuation with Sissi. She'd walk all over him without batting a lash. And he'd let her do so, happily. It makes me sick.

But I stick by him. If I didn’t, who else would? Middle school is rough, and everyone needs someone in their corner. I’m that guy. I’m the trainer. And he’s the boxer, weathering the blows day after day.

New prompt: Kadic
Character: Sissi

That prompt didn't go over so well. So, let's try...

New prompt word: Holy
Character: Any (but XANA'd be funny).

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Carth » Mon Jul 26, 2010 12:30 pm

I can't think of any way to make this funny...but here you go!

Prompt: Holy
Character: XANA

Religion is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever discovered about human existence. One can hardly step out of one's factory without discovering buildings and spaces dedicated to, what do they call them, Gods on every second street corner. They invent all-powerful beings and then convince themselves that they are real, just so they can diffuse the blame for their own mistakes, or find explanation for what terrifies them, or not feel so pathetically lonely all the time. They're so wrapped up in right and wrong they need to invent something to justify it!

Well, if they're looking for something that powerful and controlling, then they should turn to me. I already know there's no one above me, I already know I can control a human's destiny, and even if I can't change water into wine, I can certainly change blood into ashes. I am above human, so I must be these humans's God.


Disclaimer: I don't agree with XANA's hatred of religion; keep your theological discussions away from me.


Prompt: Babies
Characters: Yumi, Ulrich
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Postby Tekirai » Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:29 pm


in the meantime

Prompt: Sleep
Character: Jeremie, or anyone out of the main 5 really
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Postby Stonecreek » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:07 pm

Prompt: Sleep
Characters: Yumi and Jeremie
Words: 100
Rating: PG-13


Yumi got the best sleep of the bunch.

At least, this is what she herself thought. She had no thin dorm walls letting through questionable noises in the wee hours of the morning, and Jim Morales didn’t prowl her hallways searching out trouble. Her own private bathroom awaited next door to her very own bedroom, and her Totoro plushie was nestled in her bed’s blankets.

Looking at Jeremie Belpois sprawled over his keyboard, Yumi was pretty sure she’d have to reassess her views. She quietly closed his door, hoping one day that’d she’d get to experience a slumber so sound.


New prompt: Stubbornness
New characters: Sissi and Odd

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Taelia » Sat Aug 07, 2010 11:53 pm

I wanna play this game! How do I do it?
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Postby Stonecreek » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:22 am

You write a drabble (a short piece of fanfiction, usually 100 words, but no more than 500), using the prompt and character(s) provided. In this case, the prompt I left the next person is:

New prompt: Stubbornness
New characters: Sissi and Odd

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby green » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:25 am

I think I'll grab this one (sorry if you wanted it, Taelia, i had an idea :()


That was, in one word, what summed up the kind of day he was having. Odd was almost sure this was Karma coming back to bite him after playing one to many pranks in the past weeks. It had stared when he'd been late to class due to Kiwi deciding that today was the perfect day to chew up and subsequently hide the match to his one yellow shoe, causing him to be late for first period. His teacher had been less than amused with the excuse he'd come up with and he'd been assigned two hours of detention. Of course, this was the perfect time for XANA to launch an attack. Sneaking past Jim had been surprisingly easy, and Odd hoped this was his luck starting to change.

Karma had other plans, apparently.

Out of everything that had happened today, this had to be the most inconvenient. Just when he was meters away from the boiler room entrance when Sissi made herself known with a haughty sounding "Where do you think you're going?" On top of everything else, it was annoying, to say the least. She was stubbornly entrenched right in his path, the corners of her mouth lifted into an almost catlike smirk. She thought she was so smart, catching him skipping detention. There wasn't much of an excuse for him being all the way out here, but it didn't matter. He knew exactly what to do.


First attempt at CL fic of any kind, whoop I kind of hate it though, orz

Characters: Odd and Sissi <s>again</s>
Prompt: Tension
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Postby Stonecreek » Sun Aug 08, 2010 1:13 am

The Other teapot wrote:I think I'll grab this one (sorry if you wanted it, Taelia :()


All well and good, reserving a spot, but please do leave a new prompt and some characters. Or just a general request. Whatever works for you.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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