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Postby Rho » Sun Feb 28, 2010 6:41 am

"english isnt his first language, leave him alone. im more upset at people that have been speaking english their whole lives and cant write a readable sentence."
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Postby Cassius335 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:00 am

That was... um... the Forest Sector looks very nice, but it looks very weird having monsters wandering around the map not attacking the player and then suddenly they're in turn based combat against them. Real-Time Combat on the map would have been more authentic.

There's also a distressing lack of the Lyoko Warriors we know and love.
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Postby LyokoLover95 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 9:24 am

Wow, that's amazing!!! Lyoko looks much better and realistic now and you can create your own Warrior? I can't wait for this game...
I hope Lyoko will look like that if there was season 5...
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Postby Carth » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:32 am

Cassius335 wrote:That was... um... the Forest Sector looks very nice, but it looks very weird having monsters wandering around the map not attacking the player and then suddenly they're in turn based combat against them. Real-Time Combat on the map would have been more authentic.

There's also a distressing lack of the Lyoko Warriors we know and love.

Maybe they'll be super shiny NPCs or something. After all, they were designed. Unless there's no connection to CL character-wise, or no real world (which would make me unhappy, kinda- it's half the flippin show)

On another note, if I keep foaming at the mouth and dying like this I might die. FOREST SECTOR IS PRETTY. HOMG KID HAS A WILLIAMSWORD. Why them other kids be standing around? NPCs?

Well, then things get weird. One, strange monsters are strange. Two, this video lags. It lags buckets. This entire video player is borked because not only does it lag for no reason, but the play/pause buttons don't work. Four, what's with all these allies? Five, yeah, the combat could be better...

EDIT: I looked up the company website (which was not begging itself to be found- it was on the second page after putting quotes around my search criteria) - . There's not much all. Running the Korean through a translator...

"Hello, flute.

Code Ryoko (Lyoko) Damura Alpha version video (link)
Code Lyoko Damura Prototype video (link)

Test Game Client (link)

The current site to a production.
We will open it as soon as possible.

Representative number: 02-2069-1995"

So from what I can tell, NFLUTE is a fairly new company, and Code Lyoko (I don't know if Damura is a part of the title but it might be) appears to be their first and only project. Amateurs, but probably good ones, though the fact that their company font is Gunship arouses some suspicions that this division might have been made specifically to make CL. Especially because every bit of info we've heard before ties the project to CJ Internet, which as far as I can read Korean has not a whit of information on- wait a minute.

Test Game Client?


Granted it's probably in Korean but TEST GAME CLIIENNTT.

Downloading the movies now. Best guess is one or both of them is the same as that one. Test Game Client... 8<;

Edit again:

"Alpha" video is exactly the same as the one on the site. Far better quality, though. Still confuses me. There appear to be "good" and "bad" creatures...and ruins? Huh? (And no towers, it would appear...)

"Prototype", probably an earlier version, is different...and VERY different. The entire interface appears to have been modified, the main player is identified as "Ulrich"...Ulrich, Odd, and Aelita are seen in combat, and there's a character that's passed that might have been Yumi...the monsters have the same spikymabobers on them... the character renderings are fairly awful...combat is still not real-time but it's still different...Odd has a ponytail (fangirls eat your heart out)...Aelita's powers are really cool looking...there's some sort of combo attack... Overall, if the graphics were snazzed up a little, this would be totally okay. Hopefully elements of this have been know...the characters. Also, it's soundless.

Also, watching "Prototype" made me realize that the three NPCs in "Alpha", that give the character the strange allies, are Ulrich, Odd, and Aelita. 83 And there's one in pigtails who I can't tell who she is...

Well, off to see what this "test client" is...
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Postby TB3 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 12:45 pm

Interesting...very interesting - do you get the impression that this is what the animators at Antefilms WISH they could have created for the forest sector?

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Postby TheLQ » Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:28 pm

Well I know what i'm NOT getting.
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:46 pm

Huh? Expplz?

... I don't care if I'm a legal adult, I wanna play iiiiiiit~

I wouldn't really expect that fighting style, though. It seems so much more like a WOW attack style would fit it better. And it's not that hard to give monsters radii and attack zones... sure it leads to mobbing, but, hey, Gaia's zOMG did it pretty well...

And I'd be on the lookout for any shovel melee weapons... >.>

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Postby Carth » Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:56 pm

Lord.Quackstar wrote:Well I know what i'm NOT getting.

Granted, the game is not stellar (in terms of overall quality I'd put it just above the cinemangas) but it is still in development. And if they make it pay I'm not touching it.

Anyway, I've downloaded the trial. Let's see what it's capable of...

Except not really, because the first thing it asks for is a username and password. Which there is currently no way to get.


But digging through the game files...

In the "Characters" folder there are design specs for Ulrich, Odd, Aelita, and Yumi, as well as all the monsters (though "Krabe" and "Kankrelat" are the only recognizable names...but "Killerbee" might be a Hornet). Can't open any of them.

In the "Sound" folder, there are five music files- "Battlezone1" is Generique Fin, "Lobby" is what we heard at the beginning of "Alpha", except with a little more body to it, "Login" is exactly the same, "world_forest" is UMSD, and "Dungeon01", which is new...and wavers between bland and awesome.

"Table" is definitely the most informative, as it contains intriguing English. Actually, the strangest thing is, all of this is in English.

"ActionList" contains attacks for the character. Some of them have very strange names, and there are more than a few mispellings.
"AttackList" appears to contain attack info for monsters.
"CharacterCreate" reveals that there appear to be two classes, "Warriors" and "Hackers", who are further subdivided into 1 and 2 (differentiated genders, or different powers?).
"CharacterList" lists, well, characters, and monsters (or allies?) and their stats. This list adds William for the first time- strange, because he hasn't been mentioned yet, or anywhere else.
"EffectList" contains nothing I can understand.
"FXlist" contains sound effects for the "ActionList".
"ItemList" contains nothing I can understand...except that a lot of items appear to be "disks".
"MessageList" might contain text for the's all in Korean. Automated translations are WTF.
And there are others that were either in Korean or nonsense.

"Terrain" is full of terrain files. And that's about all I can squeeze out of it...

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Postby Gadget » Sun Feb 28, 2010 4:20 pm

Hmm very interesting. On that note I never knew XANAs monsters where so polite to actually take turns attacking. Jokes aside it does look very cool.

Downloading the test client as we speak, well type. The name client makes me think that it requires a server to actually work, either way I will look threw the game client and see what I can find, maybe I can Rig it to work with one of my servers. Really depends on how the Game client works. We will see.

Also does anyone know if there is a release date?
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Postby TheAppleFreak » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:00 pm

I grabbed a copy of the game client as well and fished through the game files. Most of the character designs are interesting, if not a radical departure from the show. I converted some of them for those of you who can't see them in Windows.

Odd (his face graphics unnerve me a little...)

Ulrich (his has a weapon, while the others don't. Weird.)


Other stuff
Hornet (aka killerbee)
XANA's self-insertion (yes, that's part of the floor, apparently)
Some titlescreen graphics (Jeremy looks weird here)
And the titlescreen

So.... yeah. The reason why everything's in English is because it was apparently made with some English MMORPG generators or something. *shrugs*
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Postby green » Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:27 pm

Woah, they're taking quite the animeesque approach with it artistically (not that the show didn't have touches of it anyway but you see what I mean.)
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Postby optimus304 » Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:06 pm

very intereasting designs.

very similar to a final fantasy or kingdom hearts look.

And the monsters seem very alien yet robotic at the same time.

So far kudos
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Postby TheLQ » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:50 pm

I think this should be renamed CL The Next Generation or something like that instead of CL.

The characters look NOTHING like in the show. As a matter of face, NOTHING looks like it did in the show. All this MMORPG is doing is taking the story line and making up their own graphics. Defiantly not CL.

With the game itself, if this a freaking turn based game, I'm done. Turn based anything is retarded. And the graphics look like they were made for 2 year olds (no really, 2 year old kids). At least TRY and make them look good instead of the Tellitubbies version presented here.

I'm going to try it out as long as I don't have to pay. But I have very low expectations.

EDIT: Taking a look at the pics TLOAF posted, I can give them SOME credit for Xana's monsters. The flying-giant-bee-thing looks pretty cool. But the crab looks like a toy instead of a monster
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Mon Mar 01, 2010 12:27 am

It reminds me a bit of Nexon's stuff, actually

And I'm still laughing a bit at the "Let's all attack one at a time thing", it's like the law of the universe that two ninjas in a duel must be evenly matched and have a long, turbulent, and difficult battle to the end, but a room full of ninjas against one intruder will each attack one at a time, individually, and fail within one attack. Still wishing for a range-based combat system, but... I'll still give it a try.

(And I'm totally fulfilling my lifelong dream of making a user-rebellion war. You shoulda seen it coming)

And to Quack... :nyeh!: Then no game for you! If you want the same old story, you can go get the first DS game, which is a retelling of plot points in seasons one and two.

I'm not afraid of a new group's take on it... it's just a different interpretation, and, hey, they have a lot to work with.

And XND, Do you mean suspicion? Suspention is the network of springs that keeps a car from rocking around too much around corners and bumps and all :D

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Postby Jazzy Josh » Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:26 am

Faces.....THE FACES!!!! AAAAAUGH!!! *rips eyes out* Also, there is no purple in Odd's hair, WTF?

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Postby Skyfer » Mon Mar 01, 2010 7:31 pm

Everything I want to say has already been said pretty much. It looks really cool but I do want the old story line and such. My main concern is if it will cost money to play Dx Nuuuu asdklj.
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:42 pm

Lyoko is Cool wrote:Faces.....THE FACES!!!! AAAAAUGH!!! *rips eyes out* Also, there is no purple in Odd's hair, WTF?

Can I quote the irony, considering you avatar's version of House?

And hey, it's popular in Korea.

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Postby A_QueenOfFairys » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:01 am

From the look of those videos, it looks like it has a multiplayer or single-player option.
I think it's a good idea, but they didn't have to distort the character designs so much...
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Postby Rho » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:04 am

How would I be able to download the video from Moonscoop's website, by the way?

I wouldn't say the graphics look really little kid-esque.. maybe the faces, but I don't really see it.
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Postby TheAppleFreak » Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:02 am

Rho wrote:How would I be able to download the video from Moonscoop's website, by the way?

I wouldn't say the graphics look really little kid-esque.. maybe the faces, but I don't really see it.

I don't think it'd be worth it to download it from Moonscoop directly. Rather, go over to the company website (Carth put it somewhere in an above post) and click on the second link. Then, you can download it.
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Postby knifey » Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:31 pm

Lord.Quackstar wrote:With the game itself, if this a freaking turn based game, I'm done. Turn based anything is retarded.
Agreed. I can't stand turn based rpg's with the exception of Pok(e)mon.
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Postby optimus304 » Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:52 pm

knifeshock wrote:
Lord.Quackstar wrote:With the game itself, if this a freaking turn based game, I'm done. Turn based anything is retarded.
Agreed. I can't stand turn based rpg's with the exception of Pok(e)mon.

Would of been better if they had went with a kingdom hearts or god of war style of the game
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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:57 pm

Aye. Who knows, maybe they'll implement it if there's demand?

As for the art style... it's pretty clear that this was done with a different vision. I'm gonna wait until I see it

And if you could get used to CL's art style without wincing (They can't reach the tops of their heads!!!), you can adjust to animu.

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Postby SilverPrince » Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:18 pm

First thought: "Kingdom Hearts, what?"

Second thought: Whoa. Cool forest. BUT I DEMAND TOWERS. It's not Lyoko without towers.

I didn't stick around to watch the combat. But I'm intrigued. Not enthralled, not overly enthusiastic. Intrigued.

Stonecreek wrote:I miss the boob bots. At least they were peddling something I have interest in...
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Postby Rho » Tue Mar 02, 2010 11:31 pm

Kingdom Hearts-style CL game? DO WANT DO WANT DO WANT

TheLordOfAppleFreaks wrote:
Rho wrote:How would I be able to download the video from Moonscoop's website, by the way?

I wouldn't say the graphics look really little kid-esque.. maybe the faces, but I don't really see it.

I don't think it'd be worth it to download it from Moonscoop directly. Rather, go over to the company website (Carth put it somewhere in an above post) and click on the second link. Then, you can download it.

There's also a couple other videos I want to get from Moonscoop's site.
I tried looking in the source code of the pages, but I found no direct link that I could use to download it.
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