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Postby Asantewaalrus » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:29 pm

K'SO, note that I'm pretty hyperactive at the moment, if some things are just, y'know, hard to understand...

Well, ha, I'm sorry. : /

Anyway, I'll try to describe the rules of this game in an--hopefully--easy to understand way.

You need two things to play--characters and a subject. The characters have to be from Code: Lyoko but the subject can be anything, it has to be one word (Ugly, Shoe, Desert, etc.) though. Once you give a subject and a character, the next person to post has to take the subject, characters, and whatever writing abilities they have and write a drabble.

There's a catch, though! Your drabble can only be one sentence or one-hundred words exactly.
If you suddenly get an amazing surge of creativity, you can go over, but not by much... try to stray away from doing that.

So... I mind as well give an example.

This isn't for Code: Lyoko, though. It's for a manga called BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad... READ IT, NOAW.

[/shameless advertisment]

Word - Ugly
Characters - Group/Anyone

So what if they consisted of a wannabe-blond pretty-boy bassist, a womanizing, cheapskate of a guitarist, a squinty eyed drummer, and a scrawny vocalist slash guitarist.
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Postby Carth » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:51 pm

Out of many things in the world, there was one thing Ulrich never wanted to completely understand- his roommate's mind. Sure, he appeared to be a harmless, if a bit too flamboyant for his own good, but there were times when he was sure there was more to him than he cared to let on. Like, the whole purple cat motif of his Lyoko uniform. Odd had never once shown interest in cats or even mentioned them, and he owned a smelly dog, for chrissakes. Was there something about Odd that he could never find out? Some secret, hidden longing for something different from reality? He didn't know. He might never know.

Though, he thought to himself, a cat would probably have the sense to not pee on his bed.


And now for the fun part! 8D

Subject: Jellyfish (also known by their scientific moniker, schyphozoans)
Character: William
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Postby Asantewaalrus » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:54 pm

I'd just like to point out something.

Jellyfish + William + Conversations about tentacle hentai = ...
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Postby Carth » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:57 pm

idkmybffasantewaa wrote:I'd just like to point out something.

Jellyfish + William + Conversations about tentacle hentai = ...

I was more thinking Jellyfish + William = William's newfound irrational fear of jellyfish due to the possession bit.

I think you cleaned my mind too well.

(Someone write, plz...?)
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Postby SilverPrince » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:00 pm

Tentacles and William?


inb4 Carth says "Oh, you".

Stonecreek wrote:I miss the boob bots. At least they were peddling something I have interest in...
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Postby Asantewaalrus » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:02 pm

... Well, damn, wish granted.
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Postby Carth » Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:06 pm

SilverPrince wrote:Tentacles and William?


inb4 Carth says "Oh, you".

Oh you...forgot the italics I generally pair that phrase with.

We are spamming up this thread like nobody's business. I should probably be doing something like putting a stop to it. D:
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Postby SilverPrince » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:18 pm

There were slimy, ice cold tentacles writhing around his body. He could feel the evil radiating from them as they made him forget who he was and who his friends were. It was as if he were drowning in electrified water and he desperately wanted to scream and he couldn't escape... and then there was a hand on his shoulder.

"You OK?"

William stared at the dead jellyfish at his feet. "I'm fine," he muttered. The sound of happy beachgoers slowly returned to his ears and he walked away, wishing an identical fate upon all that dead jellyfish's Scyphozoan brothers.

I hate it someone write it better

Character: Franz Hopper
Subject: Glasses

Stonecreek wrote:I miss the boob bots. At least they were peddling something I have interest in...
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Postby Carth » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:33 pm


Gingerly, as if picking a priceless treasure from a corpse, Ulrich lifted the glasses from Franz Hopper's unconscious body. Absentmindedly, he turned them over in his hands. "Wow, these things are thick. I hope this isn't Aelita's future."

"Well, that's not our problem right now," Odd said, looking over the old man. Without the slate-gray frames, his face looked somewhat diminished, and a lot less terrifying. "Hey, for all we know, there isn't anything under there."

"Guessing isn't going to get us anywhere." Carefully, Ulrich lifted one of Franz Hopper's eyelids. The old man didn't wake, and wouldn't wake for hours to come, but they could see his eye, staring without seeing in a cross-eyed direction. It was clouded, almost as opaque as the frames that usually covered it, but pale hints of an emerald-green iris could still be seen.

"Wow," Odd said. "He does have eyes. Looks like I owe you five Euros."

And then they exploded. THE END~

Yes it's very strange. Don't ask why Franz Hopper is unconscious in their general direction. Maybe they got him out. ANYWAY.

Topic: Breakfast, circa 1994
Characters: Franz Hopper, Aelita
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Postby Asantewaalrus » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:37 pm

Ah! I knew I was taking too long.
Hold on, I'll rewrite this right now.

She had wanted to play a game, he had wanted to get some work done. She had batted her eyelashes, he remembered 'no' didn't exist. Franz pulled his tiny daughter into his lap, pointed towards the other room and promised he'd find her; Aelita nodded and scurried away. Notes were scribbled, numbers were lazily called, and Franz turned to jump a premature heart attack.

"Weren't you suppose to be hiding?" he breathed through a smile, rubbing his glasses clean.

Aelita smiled, jumped up, and took his glasses. "Now you'll never find me!"

Wasn't that the truth?

Subject: Briefs
Character: Yumi
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Postby Carth » Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:55 pm

They were bright red, with write stripes on the seams. The size was stamped on the inside, and another stamp on the outside read "Tuesday". And Ulrich Stern and William Dunbar couldn't keep their eyes off them.

Hiroki grinned at the two of them- this was exactly the reaction he'd wanted. "I told you I had something good," he went on. The two boys said nothing; they were dumbstruck. "And like I said, whichever one of you can manage to get Odd to break up with Milly-" he waved his sister's underwear around- "will get these as a reward. Nothing more, nothing less, all or nothing. Am I understood?"

He had to stop himself from laughing at the ensuing fistfight. This won't take any time at all, he thought. His business done, he stuffed the briefs back into his backpack and walked away. He had to go put them back in her drawer. Hey, as long as the job was done, he shouldn't have to risk being killed.


Subject: When You Were Young
Character: Any
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Postby Stonecreek » Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:40 pm

Subject: When you were young
Character: Any

A.N. - depressing. It ties in with Ch. 13 of Carth's RTTP, and focuses on Sissi's thoughts about Medea.

Black Bird
When a girl loses her mother, at any age, it is a severe blow. When that girl is barely old enough to form a sentence, let alone tell her mom, "I love you," well…that hurts even more.

I hate the fact her death is my earliest memory. I still can't eat macaroni and cheese without thinking of her.

Part of my personality got buried that day, replaced by an abrasive front so nobody digs too deep and finds the truth. Still, I catch myself sometimes wandering the Kadic grounds, staring into the trees, looking for what flew away long ago.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Asantewaalrus » Mon Oct 05, 2009 10:58 pm

Ignore stupidity, yes?

Subject: Tea
Character(s): Any
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Postby Stonecreek » Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:00 pm

I didn't actally leave a prompt or anything, so I guess Asas swooping in with one of her own in OK...

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Asantewaalrus » Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:07 pm

I'm a douche sometimes.

Ha-ha, I didn't noticed that was the prompt Carth gave you. I just got excited and saw it and was like "OMGTHAKILLAZ."

Ha-ha, sorry, one second.
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Postby Carth » Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:15 pm

Just one more before I go to bed. Just one more!

"So, you're sure you're not that boy I've seen hanging around our house late at night?" Mrs. Ishiyama said, an eyebrow raised at the young man sitting on her couch.

"I'd never dream of doing such a thing," William replied in a civilized tone, taking a drink of the bitter tea he had been offered. "I mean, that's just creepy."

"Well, he must've been your twin, because he did look a lot like you," the woman went on, laughing. "But you seem altogether too civilized for such behavior."

"Mm. Maybe it was that other kid...Ulrich Stern. He's a bit loose in the head." William put the tea down on the table, and got up, looking toward the stairs. "Thanks for the tea, Ishiyama-sama. I don't hear the water anymore...I'll go up and see Yumi now." He started for the stairs.

"Don't hurry," the voice called from the living room.


Subject: Internet
Character: Sissi
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Postby Sithking Zero » Fri Oct 09, 2009 12:44 am

Sitting in her room, wrapped in a fluffy bathrobe, her long, manicured fingernails dancing away across her keyboard as she chatted with her online boyfriend.

Odd1out: So you go to Kadic, too? That's amazing! What are the odds?
Ku33n: Considering that this is the Kadic chat group? Pretty good, I'd say ;)
Odd1out: ... Curses, foiled by your superiour intellect! (shakes fist)
Ku33n: Hey, maybe we know each other? What homeroom are you in?
Odd1out: I'm not really sure I'd like to say...
Odd1out: The whole "Anonymity online" thing is kinda nice for me...
Ku33n: Hey, what's the worst that could happen?
Odd1out: I could lose my online girlfriend?

Sissi giggled as she typed her response. I wonder who this is? she thought.

(Several rooms away...)

“Odd! Quit chatting with Princess and go to bed!â€
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Postby Stonecreek » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:50 pm

Theme: Anime
Character: Aelita

Dialogue drabble!

" confusing."

"But doesn't it remind you of the old days?"

"And I'd want to be reminded of that why, exactly?"

"Um, good point. But doesn't this look really cool?"

"It pales in comparison to what we've been through, where we've been."

"You may be right...but with this, we get to watch the peril, rather than participate in it!"

"Still, it's implausible. I mean, what's the appeal for people other than us, who've been through something similar?"

"It's escapism, Aelita. Plus, it's popular now."

"Sorry, Odd, but no matter how you explain it, I just don't get anime."

Prompt: Clones
Character(s): Jeremie, William
Last edited by Stonecreek on Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Carth » Fri Oct 09, 2009 9:32 pm

I LOL'd heartily. But this prompt, this prompt I love dearly.


yesterday i was standing in the big tree place and jeremie came up to me and was hi. so i was hi too. and he was are you watching the ladies and i was i see them. and he was which one do you want to talk to. and i was i dont know because i wasnt really i just was yes cause its good to agree.

and then i saw a girl and a girl had black hair and blue eyes and i was i want to talk to that girl. so he took me to a girl. but he did a lot of talking. and a girl got mad and kicked us in the down there spot. it still really hurts and i told jeremie that later but i think he forgot cause he didnt know what i was talking about.

i want to find the girl and be sorry. i think ill find her a flower. cause once i saw ulrich give yumi a flower and it made her really happy. i think their gonna get married cause their together so much. i hope they are together and happy.


Subject: Life
Character: Any XANA monster
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Postby Sithking Zero » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:39 pm

Odd readied his arrows, pointing his arm directly towards the Blok.

“Die, you stupid monster!â€
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Postby Lani » Sun Oct 11, 2009 1:24 am

It was getting late. The air still hung heavily with smoke, the chatter had died down significantly. The buzzing sound of the overhead sign became all of a sudden loud, and those who were left sat quietly to themselves. A place that would be assumed to have life was indeed lifeless; while this was normal, no one ever stuck around long enough to see this side of the night

A man who called himself Waldo Schaeffer was one of the lonely figures sitting by himself at a table. He had arrived to enjoy himself, relax, hide, and had completely lost sense of time. His work was just a small notepad and a pencil that badly needed sharpening, but he had long since written something down.

There was a girl across the room from him. Waldo had been watching. She arrived with another man but he left in a rage a while ago, leaving her sitting alone, despondent, ever since. She had barely picked at her food and three empty glasses stood in front of her. He couldn't help but pity her.

The members of the small jazz band arrived back on stage and picked up their instruments again. The lead member said to the few in the room that they were going to play one or two more numbers before they were out for the night. They began to play and Waldo saw this as his chance.

He rose and slowly made his way to this lonely, pink-haired girl. He caught her attention and held out his hand.

"May I have this dance?"


Character: Odd
Prompt: Buckets
we will advance with sword in hand
for our cause is pure
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Postby Stonecreek » Wed Oct 14, 2009 8:09 pm

Sweet, Lani drabbled.

Character: Odd
Prompt: Buckets

It was times like these, Odd mused, that he wondered why he bothered to keep a pet.

It wasn't bad enough that Jim had discovered him, oh no. Nor was it bad enough that Kiwi had lifted a leg and used the hapless phys. ed. teacher as a fire hydrant. No, the icing on the cake had been Kiwi merrily prancing off down the hall, spritzing as he went.

Kiwi kept at it for an hour before Odd could corral him. Afterwards Jim, a bucket of sopay water in hand, grinned and declared Odd's detention was to be served immediately.

Prompt: Loss
Character: Antea

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Aerodynamite79 » Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:03 pm

"I'm about to lose. But how? I had a plan in my head that should have beaten anyone?"

"Maybe I can prevent it? Maybe if I just that won't work. It is just a matter of time now. All I can do is try and prevent the inevitable from happening as long as I can."

"Still, there's no saddness in losing to a worthy enemy. They simply were better than I was on this day. And I know there will be other battles we will engage in."

"And there it is, the final move, here it comes!."

"Checkmate Mommy!"

Subject: Honor
Character: Yumi

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Postby Stonecreek » Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:44 am

I gladly welcome a new drabbler to the mix - one who apparently makes me go d'aw like there's no tomorrow. Not at all what I was expecting from the prompt, but I'm OK with that. I expected angst. So, to fulfill that, I'll angst up this prompt. *wink, wink*

Subject: Honor
Character: Yumi
Rating: PG
Words: 100

"No, and that's final."

"But father..."

"No. You know how much we value our family and its honor. We won't have you damaging that."

"But it's only..."

"Not another word, young lady."

Yumi glanced at her silent mother, quiet in deference. Yumi chose her next words carefully.

"I understand, but I disagree." Her father looked ready to interrupt, but Yumi cut off the unspoken rebuttal. "However, I'll acquiesce to your wishes."

Yumi turned and left the room, her parents sighing in relief. She ascended the stairs to her room, sighing in frustration.

"All that over a little belly button ring."

Bet you thought it was about Yumi not being allowed to see Ulrich, right?

Subject: Being human
Character: I'd prefer XANA, but Aelita would fit as well. (And Clone William, if you must)

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Sithking Zero » Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:18 am

"That was cruel."
"I know."
"You shouldn't have done that."
"Probably not."
"You weren't nearly this bad when I came to this world." And for the first time, Jeremie's confidence slipped slightly.
"No, I wasn't."
"He's going to try extra hard to kill you when he gets back."
"TOTALLY worth it."
The group stared at Jeremie as the news played softly in the background of the rec room.

"And in other news, a naked man was seen walking through the streets of Paris. He is believed to be a part of a gang, given his unusual bulls-eye tatoo, and he claims that he thought that "Clothing was optional" in the city. He has been arrested and is having several highly embarassing and painful drug tests done on him. Police say the man claims he is "XANA" and that he "Will rule the world." More on this story as it develops, Jim?"

Jeremie's smile threatened to split his face in two. "TOTALLY worth it."

Same prompt, because I didn't do it too well.

Character: XANA or Aelita or Clone William
Topic: Human.
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