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S4 Episode 4: Wreck Room

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Postby Overcaffeinated Sloth » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:47 pm

.. Actually, he is pretty cute!

I dunno, I just think that it was an okay episode. But I think Aelita could have used her wings much earlier on. She didn't need the overwing,

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Postby Saphire-089 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:48 pm

Anybody catch a J/A moment in the Elevator during the first 10 minutes or was it just me?

I'd kill Odd too if he stole my breakfast thinking that I was going to miss it anyways.

But overall, it was a good episode. I wish we would have found out more about what happened with Aelita and Chris when she auditioned, and while I'm on that note, what happened to their band they started in Seeing Is Believing anyways? Did they call it off or something?

AngelBolt wrote:.
I dunno, I just think that it was an okay episode. But I think Aelita could have used her wings much earlier on. She didn't need the overwing,

Yeah, I noticed that too. It's kind of useless now to program her a vehicle now that she has wings. Maybe Jeremie is so used to programing her a vehicle he did it automatically or something?
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Postby Jinnai » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:49 pm

Where's the UlrichYumi we were promised?!

When were we promised any for this episode? :umm: If we were, it was a lie, since this eppy was actually more UlrichSissy and (in a rather disturbing way) WilliamYumi oriented.
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Postby Writing_Addict » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:50 pm

Taelia wrote:Where's the UlrichYumi we were promised?!

Not in this episode it seems.
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Postby DeadViolet » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:50 pm

Saphire wrote:Anybody catch a J/A moment in the Elevator during the first 10 minutes or was it just me?
I saw it too~!! I thought they were gonna kiss, too. ^^

Was it just me, or when Aelita was trying to get into the Tower, I coulda sworn I heard Jeremy say "Everything's f***ed up!", or was that Me?

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Postby DarkestSoul X21 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:53 pm

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Postby AmericanLyokoTeam » Tue Jun 26, 2007 7:53 pm

Oh wow, wasn't expecting this. If you have to make filler, THIS is what to fill it with.

Jeremie actually tries something, even if it goes wrong. Aelita being full of spunk and being an indipendant warrior instead of the "lol, I run away" she's been default back too (not that this one didn't end with that too, but...) Good use of stoner!clone!William, guy is funnier than Odd has ever been. "Democracy, who's that" got me good. Then the action starts: Xaiam cleans house as ever, going after Yumi first (this isn't accidental, I swear...) then chasing Ulrich. Good fighting on Lyoko, lots of good use to the fact the 3D animation is way more flexible now. Yumi gymnasting, Odd jumping and climbing and pulling stunts like a madman (and that sort of lippy fake appology to mowed down William was classic Odd.) My ears really perked up when Ulrich couldn't stand the height. CHARACTER CONTINUITY! I love it, somebody actually remembered Vertigo. Then the Pièce de résistance: The return of a Sissi that when the pressure is on, is likeable and brave, even if in a whiney fassion. I havn't seen that done right since S2. Writers, KEEP USING HER (and if you really love me, OxSi.) Even if she doesn't wind up a warrior, she could be a great help and asset, and an interesting character like this.

Anyway, for a personality driven ep with good humor, good action, and great use of personality, they get a 9/10 from me, lacking only the advancement of events I want from a plot filled episode to make it perfect.
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Postby SilverPrince » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:04 pm

This is the best episode of S4 so far. I like the return of the suspenseful ending to the episode before the RTTP, like we saw a lot in Season 1. Also, we saw the return of Ulrich's vertigo, albeit less substantial than at first. William was being a dumb@$$, just a tad bit of comic relief, and the most prominent instances of UxS since the "down payment" that made all the UxS fam boys/girls go crazy. New "Transfer, Scanner, Virtualization" scenes on Jeremie's monitor! I never really thought about it but I knew it would have to happen. Great fighting on Lyoko, but the same sector twice in a row? I thought that was a no-no, I know Jeremie's rebuilt at least two other ones. Speaking of Jeremie, his insomnia seems to be causing some issues, he bugged up the retrieval program, Aelita's identification program AND the protect-the-tower-from-Sector-Five program. All at once. Great work, Jeremie. And hooray for the return of honorable, selfless Sissi! OMG IMMA SWITCH 2 UxS!!1 Not really though.

All together, my vote is 9/10

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Postby Taelia » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:07 pm


I just wish Sissi was in on the secret. But the rec rom was a little stupid. All it had was exercise equipment and ONE game. Stupid Jim. :arg: I mean, come ON! Rec rooms are NOT exercise rooms.
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Postby MewmiC » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:10 pm

Wow, I knew Williams clone was dense, but I didn't realize it was that stupid. Still great for a few laughs :D .

Anyway, as always the animation was good on Lyoko, probably not as much as the last, but still good. Maybe it's cause it took place in the desert and my bias towards that sector (least favorite). At least Odd got more screen time on Lyoko than the last two episodes.

Sissi was also good in this episode, very brave, actually kinda nice, AND she knocked WClone off the roof. Gets points for that. Hope to see more of her acting like that later in the season. Aelita's actions toward the idea of William being free from XANA make me wonder...

So I'm giving this one an 8/10 better than Double Take, but a little short of Opening Act.
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Postby DeadViolet » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:33 pm

MewmiC wrote:Wow, I knew Williams clone was dense, but I didn't realize it was that stupid. Still great for a few laughs :D
Who's stupider, Willy-Clone or Nicolas? LOL. :D

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Postby MewmiC » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:36 pm

Wow that's a hard one, but I'm gonna say the William clone. Nicolas has competition now.
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Postby Taelia » Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:46 pm

This episode sucked! :cussout: The kids make Sissi the rec room monitor despite the fact that she has ZERO experience! I bet the room will be long forgotten by next episode. This ep was the worst filler I have ever seen!
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Postby UltimaHedgie » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:37 pm

Now do note that I haven't seen the EP yet. However, I'm sorry Taelia, but voting "0/10" is just as bad as voting "10/10." Maybe you didn't like it, yes, but nonetheless, it's still biasing it to the extreme. "0/10" is basically saying "10/10", but in the opposite direction.
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Postby Carth » Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:46 pm

Taelia wrote:This episode sucked! :cussout: The kids make Sissi the rec room monitor despite the fact that she has ZERO experience! I bet the room will be long forgotten by next episode. This ep was the worst filler I have ever seen!

Taelia, just one thing to say. Try letting go of your own expectations for the series (ie, Sissi somehow joining the gang) and seeing what else you enjoy. Or something.

My thoughts...well, it wasn't as good as Opening Act. That was for sure.

But some of it was AWESOME. I mean, those new 3D scanner thingies...that was really cool. And I was seriously screaming out the wazoo when I saw the trick Xanliam pulled on Aelita. And he actually talked. Mr. I'm-too-cool-to-do-anything-but-groan-Xanliam talked. I'll have to expand his vocab list a bit. (So far it's got twelve words, one of them "Yaar!")

They didn't show us too much of the rec room. Kadicans don't get too much access to TV, do they? Poor kiddies. That ping-pong match was fun to watch for its cheesiness.

Did I see Aelita sitting next to Thomas Jovliet? Old joke i'm not willing to let go of...*cough*

Clone Willie. CLONE WILLIE. He was awesome in every direction. He was an idiot, while delightfully cute at the same time. I wanna see more of him. More than that, I want to see him die in every episode, Kenny-style. I don't need it, but it'd be funny.

But posession is getting way old. Move on to something else, Mr. XANA, plz?

And here still, we have Xanliam's odd obsession with pushing Aelita over the edge. Hopefully we'll find out more about that soon. And is it just me, or have Yumi and Xanliam had a lot of one-on-one fights lately? *too desperate to find XY since the Double Take incident*

Good to see Sissi willing to sacrifice herself for the one she loves- and nobody else, it seems. This really makes me wonder about her. I liked the 3D shingles falling off.

I..couldn't think of anything else for this episode to comment on. Oh, Aelita called the monsters ladies again. I'd be surprised if some of them turned out to be somewhat female. (I'm putting bets on the Schyphozoa.)

I gave this ep an 8. Looking back, I should've voted 7. It was around a 7.4.
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Postby Reploid CB » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:13 pm

Taelia, chill, please. Instead of going on and on about how the episode sucked because it didn't have what you wanted, just look at the whole thing objectively and consider the episode on the whole, instead of condemning it because it didn't show what you wanted.

Mahree wrote:I..couldn't think of anything else for this episode to comment on. Oh, Aelita called the monsters ladies again. I'd be surprised if some of them turned out to be somewhat female. (I'm putting bets on the Schyphozoa.)

The Schyphozoa? Please, the jellyfish has GOT to be male. <s>I mean, it's SO out of a depraved man's Japanese schoolgirl fantasies!</s>

Anyway, I liked this episode ^^ Overall I'd rate it a 7, but certain moments-- Aelita's repeated "ladies" comment; Odd's battle with the Tarantula (maybe Odd's the one with climbing issues? ;P xD ) and calling it "sweetie pie"; Ulrich and Sissi on the roof; and Copy William's sheer....lack of ANYTHING upstairs, and general actions throughout the episode, including chasing Ulrich and Sissi --bump it up to an 8 xD ^^
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Postby Mewberries151 » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:50 pm

*is still rolling with laughter* Last year if you told me I'd actually like William, I'd have called you crazy.

Oh man did XANA-William ever play them for fools. XDXDXD

Best con ever (although he does run a little like a sissy...then again, maybe that was the intent XDXD;;; ). "Nice to see you...Aelita." Ohhhhh...snap. :*D

Copy William was hilarious too, before and after he went...nuts. XD; I kind of found it amusing how he was "sneering triumphantly", with his hand resting on his knee, at Ulrich, before trying to knock him off the ceiling. Kind of like one of those, "Hahaha...I win." moments. X)

Um, Yumi rocked (quite literally this time ) again. XDXD And so did Odd, dialogue, actions, and everything. "Sorry, William, I forgot to hit the breaks." *snerk*

I loved Aelita's "ladies" line...and more J/A fluff! *snerk* Now if we could just get some Y/U going... *is bricked* That was cute...and unexpected. *giggles*

Poor poor Ulrich...curse continuity and all the weaknesses it brings! XDXD It looks like he kind over it though, in order to fight William, and later hang on to Sissi. Could this be character development (Ulrich overcoming his Vertigo?) O.o ...I guess we'll have to wait and see. ^^;

I honestly half-expected them to vote Jim as their Rec room monitor...seeing as how he was going to be spending so much time in there anyway. XD; Sissi was a surprise choice. ...I give her a week before they "impeach" her and make Emily the monitor instead. (Which reminds me...Emily was in this! *gasp* ) And is it just me or had Herb's acne cleared up in this episode? ^^;

8.9/10 :D
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Postby Writing_Addict » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:00 pm

Mewberries151 wrote:And is it just me or had Herb's acne cleared up in this episode? ^^;

Only the truest fan would notice this! In the beginning why was I paying so much attention to Odd's (yellow) toothbrush instead of the actual characters?
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Postby Reesane » Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:16 pm

Mewberries151 wrote:Oh man did XANA-William ever play them for fools. XDXDXD

Best con ever (although he does run a little like a sissy...then again, maybe that was the intent XDXD;;; ). "Nice to see you...Aelita." Ohhhhh...snap. :*D

I swere XANA is learning from William... O_o
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Postby Writing_Addict » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:24 am

Reesane wrote:
Mewberries151 wrote:Oh man did XANA-William ever play them for fools. XDXDXD

Best con ever (although he does run a little like a sissy...then again, maybe that was the intent XDXD;;; ). "Nice to see you...Aelita." Ohhhhh...snap. :*D

I swere XANA is learning from William... O_o

Actually, I think Xana has already got that cocky side to him, an annoying cocky side.

Ya know, I may be bipolar...because last year I wanted to maim William whenever he was with Yumi. But now I totally support WxY.... O_o

THE IS COMING TO AN END!!!! I like wxy and Makeyourself85 actually liked an episode!

misha-san wrote:
Saphire wrote:Anybody catch a J/A moment in the Elevator during the first 10 minutes or was it just me?
I saw it too~!! I thought they were gonna kiss, too. ^^

I thought she liked William...which scared me totally...(my username use to be JxA Addict)

Posts merged and extra post deleted by CB. Be careful about double posting in the future ^^;
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Postby . » Wed Jun 27, 2007 1:31 am

Well okay this was the first new ep of Code Lyoko I really liked... thats not saying much though. Season 2 by far was way better, seems Moonscope stripped code: lyoko of what made it code: lyoko... The drama.

What was this? like maybe 3 minutes of drama and the rest spending action on lyoko? blah.

and why in the Are You There God? It's me Margret, does Aelita need a vehicle for when she can FLY?

Over all, good episode. William came back stronger than before and just a bit more cunning.

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Postby Stonecreek » Wed Jun 27, 2007 9:47 am

I'm glad Sissi got some positive screen time in this episode. I'm sick of seeing her treated one-dimensionally (see my post in the underrepresented character thread for the full diatribe). Continuity actually played a part, because Ulrich's still scared of heights after Vertigo, and was thus mostly uneffective on the rooftop. This led Sissi toa ctually do soemthing worthwhile.

Outisde of that part of the episode, the Lyoko scenes just keep getting better and better. The fight choreography has been stepped up very noticeably, and the creators don't shortchange any of the characters their moment to shine.

Yes, XANA possession is getting REALLY old. But it led to characters rolling around on top of each other, so I see captioning gold there...

Other real world scenes were OK. William-clone seriously should not be this brain-dead. Jeremie has more skill than that, and his humor is just a crutch the show's leaning on a bit right now until they get to the meaty plot points. Overall, I give this episode 8.5/10.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

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Postby Jeremified » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:29 pm

I watched part of this, but not the whole thing. I like how it was for the first 10 minutes or so- I'll finish watching it on Techlinks. :)
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Postby MY85 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:00 pm

Taelia wrote:0/10!!

I just wish Sissi was in on the secret. But the rec rom was a little stupid. All it had was exercise equipment and ONE game. Stupid Jim. :arg: I mean, come ON! Rec rooms are NOT exercise rooms.

You're officially f**king stupid if you think that's a reason for giving the episode such vote.

That said, I was expecting this episode to not surpass Opening Act (which was somewhat a great episode and one of the best seen in a while) and by the looks of it, this got nothing on OA as far as I'm concerned. Sure that William and Sissi stole the show, but aside from those two and some of the bits of the real life scenes, this isn't a great episode. 6/10 at best it gets from me. A kind of blah episode, but it didn't suck, thankfully.

Episode view so far: Opening Act > William Returns > Wreck Room > Double Take.
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Postby Cassius335 » Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:46 pm

MakeYourself85 wrote:
Taelia wrote:0/10!!

I just wish Sissi was in on the secret. But the rec rom was a little stupid. All it had was exercise equipment and ONE game. Stupid Jim. :arg: I mean, come ON! Rec rooms are NOT exercise rooms.

You're officially f**king stupid if you think that's a reason for giving the episode such vote.

Co-signed. If you hate it that much Taelia, STOP WATCHING
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