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Postby Lyokofreak » Sun May 27, 2007 11:31 pm

screw you too.
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Postby Mewberries151 » Sun May 27, 2007 11:39 pm

MakeYourself85 wrote:
Mewberries151 wrote:Rodri, I'd advise you to go ask Erynn and ask her exactly how she's paid for this forum thus far until you continue this arguement further. Let me know how that goes.

Source: Her LJ entries. The old one or the new one. Something about her getting $50-90 a month from her dad and stepmother, IIRC.

If you'd be so kind as to PM me a link to said "LJ entries", I'd much appreciate it. ^^

MakeYourself85 wrote:
Mewberries151 wrote:What's more, kindly find me evidence towards your claims that most USA kids get money from their parents that would easily amount to $120 a year.

This forum and its members. In two days, which would be Christmas and the day of their birthday, they get cash and presents from their parents which is far above the $120 range.

That's utterly ridiculous and completely unfounded. Where's your proof? Where's your polls and documented evidence that that is the exact amount of funds that kids get during Christmas or their birthday.

You're just spewing out random facts that you have no basis or support for.

MakeYourself85 wrote:
Mewberries151 wrote:In addition to that, if ou please, show me evidence that it's easy for a minor to get a job in the US that would pay at least $120 a year, keeping in mind that said minor would also have to balance school and whatever other extra-curricular activities they need to actually qualify for said job...not to mention, likely be able to drive, which doesn't happen until one is 16 in the US.

I eagerly await your findings. ^^

I'll give you examples. Thing is that these persons aren't active in LF anymore, but I know them enough.

xLyOkO mAsTeRx: At age 15, she had a job at a Pizza store which paid her $5-7 an hour. Then she got a job at an animal shelter, which she got eventually fired, but I don't know how much she got paid. I would mention that I don't talk that much to this person, really.

Linii-chan: She may not be active on this forum. Is she dead? No. She works at some coffe store with her mother. She makes $10 an hour or something like that. Ask her.

Now just look at your examples. First off, you only have two, and not to put any sort of damper on their accomplishments because I'm happy that they have jobs that earn them a good salary, but, they're the lucky ones. Ask the majority of the members here if they have jobs, much less ones that can pay enough to get $120 a week. I'm sure you'll be surprised by the answers you get.

And again, look at your examples. xLyOkO mAsTeRx had a job at a Pizza store that paid her $5-7 an hour yes. But tell me Rodri, how many hours did she work a week? Was she part-time or full-time? Was she also shelling money out to pay for anything substantial, like a subscription to something or bus fare or anything else that might take away from the money she earned per week. Can't tell me? Then she can't stand as evidence. Unless you can prove to me that she was working enough hours a week to have a $120 profit, then I'm not accepting that example and the utter ridiculous-ness and rude-ness of your statement

As for Linii-chan, and I say this with the utmost respect for her and her accomplishments, but she has connections. Not everyone has a mom that can help them get a job, and not everyone's job pays $10 an hour. In fact, that's a generously high salary compared to the minimum wage.

You're examples prove nothing, and as Angelbolt said, your statement was rude, and I'll add to that, unfounded. You have no proof, and you're wrong.

ThePepsiPiper wrote:Hell Rod's right. I could afford 120 a month if I was so inclined too.

Well good for you! I wish everyone could be so lucky.

ThePepsiPiper wrote:Mew, spin it all you want, the blunt fact remains, yes Lyoko Freak and it's members are being abandoned by Star Way and we have to fend for our selves because she lost intrest and passion for LF. And ya know what, thats fine and all, but shes not even going to drop in and tell us herself? Psssh. We're being kicked to the curb, and our little community of online friends is going to hell with it unless we get some solid last ditch effort to save it.

She dropped in and told the people who are in charge of the site. She didn't tell the forum because she didn't want a huge ruckus to be raised and everyone to panic before we had something set up in place to reassure them nothing would happen to the forum.

You're being completely ignorant. If you're read mine and Stephen's original posts, you'd see that we've assured and assured again that LF will not be shutting down and that we are in the middle of planning a forum move to another domain and server.

And yet people are still panicking! How much worse would it have been if StarWay had just dropped in and told us she could no longer pay for LF, before we had this move set up? Think about that.

At any rate, this is completely ridiculous. I am completely astounded by the ignorance shown on this thread and I'm certainly not going to deal with it anymore nor any further fighting over it..

This subject shall be locked. Only to be unlocked for future updates on the move, and then locked again.

If another Admin thinks this unfair, they're welcome to unlock it again and PM me about it.

I'm utterly disgusted.
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Postby Mewberries151 » Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:50 pm

LF will be moving shortly. Likely tomorrow, if not sooner. So if you see the forum as being unavailable, please do not panic. It will be up and running again soon. ^^

We'll see you all on the other side! :D
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Postby Mewberries151 » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:31 am

Well, the move is now more or less complete...I hope you all found the new URL alright...we should be able to get the old one back sometime in the near future.

Our apologies for any posts that were lost during the transfer...more than likely it was mostly new ones made we apologize for any inconvenience that might cause. ^^; It's a small sacrifice though in the grander scheme of things.

Anyway, we hope you're enjoying browsing the forum again. :D

Big thank yous go to Lotho, Wartonchan, NhJm, LC...and anyone else I might have forgotten. ^^; You guys rock out loud and we totally couldn't have done this without you. :)

Thanks! *_*
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