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What is your fav season?

General original series discussion (Seasons 1-4)

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What is your fav season?

Postby Dark William » Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:22 am

Mine would be really season 4

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Postby Carth » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:55 am

Ah, this is a question that could put the forum up in arms...each of them has their merits, really, but my favorite across the board would have to be Season 2. I don't think I can really say all I can about one without saying everything about them all.

Season 1 felt like a rough draft; it had the elements of something that might become amazing, but needed a few more tweaks and elimination of stray points before it could be a tightened final product. But was there was there in a wonderful, fantastic way. Personalities developed and progressed, and the love dodecahedrons were about as tense and functional as they would ever be. When it actually pulled itself together and progressed the plot, it did a fantastic job with it. It just could've done better with another proof of the scripts. The animation, 2D and 3D, is subpar, and this is understandable, as it was made in 2003.

Season 2 also combined blatant unrefinement with obvious brilliance, but did it with a lot more direction and a terrifyingly intriguing plot to work with. Every episode has a hook, the XANA attacks get more creative, love dodecahedrons are twisted about, and everything still meshes with an action-y sort of setting. When the season ends, we feel both exhilarated and excited for the next installment, which we feel will be difficult, terrifying, and still more unrefined and brilliant. Animation is still wonky, but a significant improvement is seen.

And then, we get Season 3. The animation definitely steps up a notch; that's no use denying it's a very easy season to look at, and entertaining in its own way. But, considering the note on which Season 2 ended, it feels like an anticlimax. We didn't want an episode about food monsters when XANA ESCAPING FROM THE FREAKING COMPUTER was basically handwaved. But it happens, and episodically, it's entertaining. Sure, we say, they're building up tension. And more tension happens when William's posessed, but we really don't know what to expect, so we cross our fingers for epic in Season 4...

And then Season 4 is more of the same- beautiful art, fluid Lyoko battles, and even some attempt at a plot with a new twist on battles and such. Plots usually make sense, even if they sometimes seem a bit garish. The new outfits are alright, if jarring for a while, and some episodes, such as Skidbladnir and The Lake (yay for sending the wrong outfit design sets to the animators!) are brilliant. But it's still not what was promised in that Season 2 ending. XANA's defeat seems tacked on to the end, and the grand finale is a clip show. To the expectations it was building up, this is a major, major letdown.

So, yeah. I love Season 2 for what it promised and inspired. That's it.
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Postby TheAppleFreak » Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:21 am

Hmm... This is a tough question.
Out of all of them, it's a dead heat between S2 and S3.

S1 was an okay season. I personally prefer machine possessions to human possessions, which is one of the reasons why S1 rocked. The 2D animation was awesome in S1, as the animation by hand was phenomenal. Of course, it had it's quirks, but that's irrelevant. The 3D animation on Lyoko was... subpar. The only things that I liked about it was the coloring and detail made in the Forest and Mountain sectors, and perhaps the effect of the ground texturing being disrupted and redrawn (gridline effect). The actual attacks made by XANA were creative at times and what-the-(BKO) at times. And, well, I loved the final attack of that season, with the Kankrelats. It set the tone for the rest of the show as well, which gives it some merit.

S2 was definitely a step in the right direction. The animation on Lyoko was definitely much more fluid, and the new monsters definitely gave it merit. Brownie points, as my parents call it. And then, SECTOR 5! That is perhaps one of my favorite sectors for the fact it's blueeeee... Like the blue stuff in BKO. And then, FRANZ HOPPER. I need not say anything else about the wonder that is Mr. Hopper. However, some things about it ticked me off. Jeremy's voice got deeper, kinda like puberty. It seemed... weird. Then, Aelita! Didn't anyone teach you that you don't wear winter clothing in the Land of Eternal Spring that is Kadic? I can understand in Cold War, but every single episode!? It seems excessive. Plus, the 2D animators made the outlines of everything extra thick, like they wanted it to be eternally bolded. Overall, I liked it a fair bit, and the finale did build up a lot of tension.

S3 was interesting. Jeremy's voice leveled out to normal levels of pubescence, the animators got rid of the perpetual bolding, and the XANA attacks were more varied. The 2D and 3D animation got exponentially better, and the score became better in my opinion too. Maybe it was a mixing job, i dunno. Really, the only things I didn't like about the season were the food monster, and the shortness of the season itself.

S4... it went downhill from there. The recreation of Lyoko was pretty amazing, especially for a middle school student doing it all (aided by Aelita, of course), and William's clone was that good ol' comic relief that we needed (originally taken by the Kanks). And then WILLIAM BATTLE THEME! That, in all of the music that they had on the show EVAH was my absolute favorite (not including the soundtrack or UMSD). The Skid created an interesting plot development, and the Replikas only built on it. BUT, the show writers made some mistakes that I didn't like. The 3D animation was superb, at the very least, but the inclusion of 3D rendering in the 2D world took away from the magic of it. Then, in that season, allofthecharactersspokereallyfastanditwashardtokeepupwiththewordsbecausetheywereallblendedtogether. Plus, as Herman Martin wrote on his blog, the music seemed... off-key. It didn't really fit in well with the dialogue. The finale was a let-down as well, as it was a clipisode. And, to add insult to injury, CN didn't show the last few episodes. Or episode 78. We waited an ENTIRE YEAR to get the English dub of that. If not for Tech Links having the spoiler of it on LOD, I would have never seen it.

So... yeah.
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Postby Dark William » Mon Oct 19, 2009 2:24 pm

whoa awesome reasons

okay mine ^^

Season 1: Well, Ive nvr really watched it, atleast not full. But for some reason I couldn't feel anything about it

Season 2: Good season, but still at some points its weird. umm No clue how to say it.

Season 3: Better season, cause Finally Aelita can defend herself also, and she isn't the hopeless little girl (No offence who really liked her, me to fan )

Season 4: Best Season, duhh Bad guys and I already liked William, even though I heard of him, and then say S4 here on Ketnet. and had who is he?
After some asking, people explained it to me, and yeah I am W fan ;p

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Postby Rho » Mon Oct 19, 2009 7:57 pm

S1: It has a special feel to it if you're a fan. It's really best for me at least to watch it at about 4AM. -shrug-
Of course, the animation was poor (but S1 likely began production in 2002, so 3D effects weren't as good) and there were mis-translations.

S2: More improvement, the plots became more interesting, and it's when Moonscoop began working on it. 3D was also improved highly.

S3: Way too short, but some awesome XANA attacks

S4: Possibly the best yet, unless S5 brings us some epic episodes. I just wish those idiots at CN would air Episodes 78 and 89-95 already.
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Postby Sithking Zero » Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:08 pm

Season two, hands down. XANA was still mysterious and invincible, the group was discovering the secrets of the Supercomputer and the mysterious Franz Hopper, Aelita was at that absolutely adorable "I have no idea what's going on in the real world" phase, plus, the Scyphozoa... scary as all get-out. The Animation was a huge step forwards in both the real and virtual worlds, and the voices were amazing.

S3 was... bleh. I liked the Forest sector, so when they destroyed it... :cussout: Plus, it was a rather large downer season. Still, it was cool to see the prologue for the first season.

S1 was, quite frankly, a test bed for the ideas and concepts for future seasons. The Animation was sub-par, and the facial expressions in the virtual world were... limited, shall we say the least. The attacks had their highest grade of creativity than any other season, hands down. I agree, the whole "Possession" thing got old really fast, and I preferred the mechanical control aspect of the Supercomputer better. Still, with a lack of coherent plot and/or arc, this season just sets up for the real beginning, S2.

S4 was very good, but not as good as S2. I loved the new virtual powers and outfits, and the Skid combat was sorta cool, but there was more of the same type of mistakes made by XANA (why did he keep using towers in the computers the Warriors had discovered? Why not any one of his hundreds of other Replikas?). Superb, superb, amazing music, and guest-starring the Subdigitals/Subsonics, it was possibly the greatest of all the vocal season.

The problem with S4 was that it tried too hard to be S2, only to realize that what made S2 S2 was its sense of mystery. The whole “Aelita has amnesia,â€
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Postby HiddenWatcher » Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:33 pm

I have slightly different priorities when it comes to watching CL, so that may skew my answer.

First of all, Season 3 was out of the running pretty quickly due to being considerably shorter than the others and a filler season.

Despite having some of my favorite episodes in it, Season 1 was out too. It just didn't have the oomph of the latter seasons.

Which left Seasons 2 and 4. Both strong contenders. Season 2 brought us the wonderful developments on Aelita. On the other hand, Season 4 had some very strong developments, including new powers, new equipment, and new strategies. Among other things, it switched the group from defense to offense.

In the end, it has to be Season 4 by a hair, mostly on the strength of Aelita's new outfit.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Mon Oct 19, 2009 11:31 pm

Bookmarked because I don't have enough time to read it...

However, tomorrow, the first second I have time...

You people will see a virtual SLEW of me blasting out opinions, theories, criticism, praise, argument, and overall love of Code Lyoko.

You've set off a fireworks display Xana's Angel.... now sit back and watch the show...

*TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW... about 20x + the length of this post)
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Postby Lyokosui » Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:26 pm

Season One was nice. It introduced all the main characters and some of the support characters. It was a nice starting point for a series. However, the main flaw(and this has been brought up before) was that Season One was very episodic with no real storyline. The Finale was nicely done with a lot open for future content. Favorite episode: Routine, for the Almost Kiss.

Season Two is my favorite. The reason was they made Aelita a permanent character on Earth, how she isn't happy and is naive in the beginning, but grows to love Earth. The introduction of Vehicles, Tarantulas, and XANA can possess people was a nice touch. The addition of William made things for the YxU relationship. Out of this Season, favorite episode: XANA's Kiss, for his brilliant change in strategy.

Season Three is the weakest in my opinion and not because it was the shortest season. XANA possesses truckloads I'm sorry, but that is not much a threat unless he blocks their throat with a piece of fruit. It was the weakest because XANA is attempting to destroy Lyoko...he successes. Within the first seven episodes of Season Four, Lyoko is restored...then what was the point of this season again? William's possession? Not enough for me. One of my favorite parts was the explanation of what happened to Odd's Lyoko Power. However I liked three episodes: The Pretender, Temporary Insanity, and Nobody in Particular, for the great gimmicks each episode had.

Season Four is my second favorite. Having their Lyoko forms drawn in 2D was very nice, however their strategy of dismantling each Replika one-by-one was too shortsighted for me. Skidbladnir was cool, but I hated the fact it was destroyed and can't be rebuilt(obviously the supercomputer must be incompatible with every external storage device in existence). The Colossus was really cool, but the head should have been redone. Tying up most the loose ends was nice, but let a few open and I hope the books take care of these. Favorite Episode: Music to Soothe the Savage Beast, Aelita on stage and in concert was nice.
Fictional Conversation after the Episode "Routine:

Ulrich - "You couldn't wait, could you?"
Jeremy - "What are you talking about?"
*Ulrich grabs and lifts Jeremy by his collar.
Ulrich - "I was this close to tasting her porcelain lips. We weren't in any danger, but noooo! You had to return to the past anyway!"
*Jeremy sniffles as Aelita appears on screen and rolls her eyes
Aelita - Ulrich, put him down.

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Postby SearchingLyoko » Sun Oct 25, 2009 1:19 am

Okay... I will say this. I loved Season 1. Season 1 was unique in it's own way. There was no plot, no, but it set up the world of Lyoko we know and love. It was sort of... it was sort of like a liesurely Lyoko. There was no plot to be overly concerned about. You could sit back and enjoy the fight between our great heroes and the villain XANA. You could watch the romance between Yumi and Ulrich. You could wonder if this would finally be the episode that Aelita would be materialized. And those last twoepisodes... you don't even see that much emotion in the real world. I loved those two.

It was nice.

Season 2 was great. Season 1 was a nice thing to watch... but you can't go without plot forever, can you? We found a new sector, we discovered Franz Hopper. Yumi and Ulrich were tested by William. Jim never talked about his job. There was a mystery to solve, a XANA to fight, and a life to live. The battles became more complex. The lives became more interesting. We got new monsters, a new sector, we got the evil memory-wiping Schyphazoa. We had something beyond a simple computer virus.

Season 3 was short, sweet, and bitter. The beginning of our Saga was explained (I wonder if the topic of calling Aelita "Maya" ever comes up anymore?) William got suspicious, and XANA got a deadly mission. Short, Suspenseful and fun. The ending was a real cliffhanger.

I have yet to see Season 4. I will be shortly, but I know the basic gist of what happens. I will say that I don't exactly like the Costume Changes, both in 2d and 3d. And... yes.. I think it ended too early. Too much was left unexplained. Too much undone.

Do I think it would be possible to do more? Yes. Totally. I would love to see more. But only if they are going to keep true to the Lyoko Spirit. If they try to change it into something it's not... then it's not Code Lyoko.

So... in retrospect... I don't have a favorite Season. Each one is different and enjoyable in it's own way. Code Lyoko is a great and powerful saga. Nobody ever graced by it will ever forget it. Those who love it will never grow to dislike it. Code Lyoko is cherished by many worldwide. It will not be forgotten easily.
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Postby TheLQ » Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:05 pm

My favorite would have to be season 4, since each episode contributed somewhat to the plot. I got tired of s1-3 where almost all the episodes were filler and the plot didn't advance at all. For alot of episodes its: Normal day, xana does something, go to lyoko, someone almost dies or gets hurt, RTTP, everything is good. Season 4 had the most non-filler epies.
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Postby SearchingLyoko » Mon Oct 26, 2009 11:01 pm

Filler Episodes are great though!

Plus... they use them a lot to advance character personality. I personally hold the character (and Romance) development in a high place.

Don't get me wrong.. I love plot advancement as much as everyone else... but if you do it every episode you wear out the plot too much and too fast.... and then it just gets mediocre. The show would still be awesome, but they'd be doing it mediocrely.
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Postby LyokoLover95 » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:55 am

My fav one is season 2, it was the season where they were discovering Aelita's past and I really like how they did it, everything was soo cool and mysterious...
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Postby Dark William » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:33 pm

umm, that is indd okay, I haven't seen alote of it

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Postby Taelia » Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:06 pm

It's all four seasons for me, since I have fave episodes from each season.
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