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Stonecreek's fic compendium

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Stonecreek's fic compendium

Postby Stonecreek » Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:11 am

I know, most of my fics have their own individual threads. Well, those threads also are all buried deep down in the boards. And, because I just posted a new fic, I thought it best to make one new topic for all my various fanfics. So, here they are, from newest to oldest - all of Stonecreek's fanfics, in one place for your reading enjoyment.

Newest edit: 1/13/13 (Chapter 58 of The Kadic Dossier posted)

The Kadic Dossier is my collection of CL drabbles. It's 58 chapters and counting, and includes drabbles that you can't find in either the BKO or Games drabble threads. I'd love to get some PMs with pairing ideas, or ideas in general. The current chapter deals with Yumi and youth. This collection, by far, is my most popular thing I've ever posted. I don't know whether to put that down to short attention spans or my writing.

The Spaces Between was my first Legend of Korra ficlet. Man, I was an early Makorra shipper... Summary: She worships his silences, the answers within the spaces in which he thinks he says nothing. Makorra.

Lonely Afterglow is my second Korra fic, written a week after the first one. as per usual in my writing, there's a lot of beating around the bush without getting very far. Summary: Mako, Korra oft notices, is terrible at this whole dating thing. Korra, as it turns out, is not much better. Sort of an introspective look at UST, only without too much of the S part.

Following Destinies is my collection of Avatar: the Last Airbender drabbles. There's 12 right now, and it might stay that was for a while, as this collection of drabbles has not proven as popular as my CL ones (probably because I'm a nobody in the Avatar fandom). The newest installment is about the Jet and the Freedom Fighters.

Hazed is my darkest CL fic, and now I can proudly say it's complete! Well, if I decide to keep it that way. If only I'd finished it before season three, then it might not've been so AU. Instead, I took five whole years to write a third chapter. It starts with William's suspicious death, and charts the student's reactions from there. A hard T (PG-15).

Held In earns its M rating, and probably will squick 95% of those here. Summary: Drabble. The walls of Sunagakure were thick, a fact Temari was very apprecaitive of. M-rated, Temari/Kankuro.

My newest stand-alone CL fic is Skin Like Snowflakes. It's Yumi-centric, and will squick people for totally different reasons than the Naruto drabble. Summary: Being a day student is not all it's cracked up to be. Yumi dwells on this - and Ulrich - one evening, and happens upon a distracting alleviation for both problems. Strong T.

Tutelage was my attempt at a multi-chapter slice of life story. It's a Bleach piece centered around Tatsuki, and I have more chatpters planned, but little motivation to continue it. Summary: Chapter four is now posted. There's only so much a person can take before they put someone's head through a window. Tatsuki's been there and done that, so what's next? She intends to find out.

This is what mending is spawned out of an angsty day at work. Naturally, I wrote angst to get it out of my system. The summary goes like this: "The rain washes over me, but I do not feel clean. I just feel numb." Ulrich, Yumi, and the aftermath of the aftermath. The LF insider scoop - set after S3 conclusion. Rated T.

Like Eating Glass is my second drabble in a week. This time Jeremie, and all his woes, take center stage. Summary: Jeremie's only got eyes for Aelita, right? Wrong. He's confused, hormone-addled, and in for one interesting morning. Rated PG-ish, and only the slightest slashiness.

Dissonance an Aelita-centric drabble, around 600 words. Summary: Who is Aelita, really? She's not so sure herself.

The First to Go, the Last to Know is two interconnected 100-word drabbles. Did I mention that it's M-rated, and features Odd/William slashiness? Thought that'd pique your interest.

Fixation is an M rated Azumanga Daioh fic, and also my longest stand-alone fic. Summary: Sakaki has a lot swimming around in her mind, not the least of which is Kagura. A trip through Sakaki's increasingly preoccupied thoughts, told in five parts. M for Sakaki's wandering mind.

Incoherent is by far my most popular fanfic, and also my dirtiest. This could be due to its fandom (Harry Potter), or that it earns its M rating through various sundry shennanigans. 8 chapters of sexual one-upping and still going on, though I am going to end this soon. Pairings are Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny. Oh, and Moaning Myrtle. Shouldn't squick anyone too badly...

Power Grab is one of my two CL songifcs. It is set at season three's close, with William musing over why he let XANA take over him. Set to the Trapt song "Victim." Rated K+ (PG).

Just Desserts is so far my only foray into CL femslash ( I must rectify this!), and features my crackiest pairing, which I won't spoil for you. It was fun to write, and I may do a much more adult sequel someday if I get up the nerve. Rated K+ (PG).

Undercurrent is as yet unfinished, though it's only missing one chapter. Ulrich comes back from Lyoko after a XANA attack with some serious attitude issues. What's Yumi got to do with it all? Rated T (PG-13).

What's In A Name? is my only fan-poem, and is told from Odd's POV to Sissi about why he prefers Elisabeth over Sissi. Rated K+ (PG).

Devoted is my other CL songfic, and I'm particuarlly proud of it. One relationship fragments while another is born, set to the Lacuna Coil song of the same name. Rated T (PG-13).

Multi-faceted is my longest CL fic, and has no end in sight. I may not finish this one, as I lost my focus on it, but the concept was fun. Odd uses the scanners to multiply himself, and it all goes downhill from there. Rated T (PG-13).

Adrift is easily my favorite CL fic I've written. Jeremie, as it transpires, takes some pent-up frustration out on Yumi. Rated T (PG-13).

Ulrich and the Horrible No Good Very Bad Day seems to be my most popular CL fic. Ulrich's having one crappy day, all right, but why? Rated K+ (though it should be T for language).

In a Lonely Place was my first try at CL slash, and I'm pleased with it. Angsty Odd, coupled with a helpful Jeremie, leads to something sweeter than I'd intended. Rated t (PG-13).

Incomplete is my revisioning of a part of Fullmetal Alchemist episode 18 - Hosue of the Waiting Family. Ed muses, and Winry is there for him. But is it all rosy? Rated K+ (PG).

Veiled is my HP fan-poem, written right after book 5 came out. That should tell you its contents. Dark Harry in it. Rated K+ (PG).

Lastly, all my Code Lyoko fics are also posted at LyokoFreakersFiction:

See ya, and I do hope you read some of these.
Last edited by Stonecreek on Sun Oct 30, 2011 7:51 pm, edited 17 times in total.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

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Postby Stonecreek » Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:39 pm

I'm double-posting because I actually have something new up! It's called "The First to Go, the Last to Know." It's two interconnected 100-word drabbles, and it's rated M for Odd/William slashiness.

At LyokoFreakers Fiction:

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Carth » Wed Apr 23, 2008 6:21 pm

Seeing as I force feed you my fics day in and day out, it'd kind of be unfair if I didn't read these. I just reviewed the drabble (FIRST REVIEW LOL), and I'll read a few other fics in a minute. Awesome writing skills-ness, by the way. :D
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Postby Stonecreek » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:31 pm

Hate to usurp Carth's spot atop the page right after she posted Ch. 1 of Five, but...

It is time. Time I got back to fic writing (and posting). I've been hanging on my 4,999 post for going on three days now, and I am sick of not posting. So, I decided to write a drabble to make my 5,000 post special. And here it is, added to my fic compendium.


Rating: PG (K+)

Summary: Who is Aelita, really? She's not so sure herself. Introspective, Aelita-centric drabble.

Anyway, I hope someone reads this. Moreover, I hope whoever reads it likes it. And lastly, I hope I continue writing, 'cause I don't want to let this topic die again.

Oh, happy day, I can go back to posting again!

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Carth » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:37 pm

Please do post; twas kind of sad to just see you lurk and leave. I had half a mind to PM you and say JUST POST ALREADY but um that's all offtopic.

I already read this and told you it was amazing but I did give you a review. S'even better in its revised form. ^__^

And it's no problem at all. :P I considered taking a leaf out of your book and waiting for my 6,000th post, but I decided "oh screw it".
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Postby Stonecreek » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:39 pm

Heh, thanks for the review. When I am more awake, I will give Five one over on ff.n. Oh, and Five and Dissonance are next to each other on the new stories list in CL at ff.n. Funny. Now, I must go post the story at LyokoFreakersFiction.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Stonecreek » Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:30 pm

I know, I'm double-posting. But I actually wrote another drabble. But this one got to be over 1,000 words, so in my book it's techinically not a drabble anymore.

This one's another character-centric piece, with Jeremie as the star.

Title: Like Eating Glass

Rating: K+ (PGish)

Summary: Jeremie's only got eyes for Aelita, right? Wrong. He's confused, hormone-addled, and in for one interesting morning.

Read the story; the author's note inside will tell you all you need to know. It is at LyokoFreakers Fiction and, where it already has a review somehow, despite being posted not five minutes ago. As always, I hope you enjoy.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Carth » Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:32 pm

That was me. 8D I got an email about it and was like "okay". I think I've said it several times, but it's lovely.
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Postby Stonecreek » Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:12 am

I just posted all my CL drabbles I have done on the forums on So, I bid you to check out The Kadic Dossier

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Stonecreek » Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:41 pm

Oh yeah, who's the double-posting bad@$$? Me, that's who!

Now that I (hopefully) have your attention, I'd like to announce I am up to chapter 14 in my CL drabble collection "The Kadic Dossier" The newest chapter (14) is one that isn't originally from this forum, so I encourage you to check it out. Here is the link to the first chapter, for those of you unacquainted with these stories.

My second piece is a Bleach fanfic. Well, right now it's a drabble, but I have many plnas to expand upon it. Anwyay, it's Tatsuki-centric and is called Tutelage This probably won't interest many here, though, and I'm fine with that.

Lastly, coming down the pipeline is an Oban Star-Racers future fic taking place at Eva's funeral; an Avatar: the Last Airbender fic focusing on Katara's feelings on revenge, and more CL drabbles to add to TKD. I hope you all read and enjoy.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Stonecreek » Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:37 am

Triple posting is bad, I know. What's also bad is I'm the only one apparently going through this thread. Erk.

Bumping to say I have a new fic up. Yes, an acutal fic, and not just a drabble. And no, Carth, it's not the Oban story. In fact, I'm pretty sure I never even sent this one off to get beta'ed. Anyway, description's in the first post: ... mending_is

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Postby Stonecreek » Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:53 pm

See my last post. This one is much the same, except to announce that I finally updated the list in the first post to reflect the new things I wrote for other fandoms, plus the chapters for The Kadic Dossier and the other CL fics I've done. Also, I like the attention, and fanfic gets next to none here anymore. Boohoo.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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Re: Stonecreek's fic compendium

Postby Stonecreek » Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:20 am

Just to continue the most egregious double-post stretch in LF history...

I have posted a new chapter of the Kadic Dossier. The collection used to be composed mainly of the drabbles I wrote for the drabbles games here on the forum, but those dried up. Now all my drabbling is ff.n exclusive, sadly. Also, my fic compendium in the first post was updated with my two Legend of Korra fics (plus some re-wording of other entries and fixing of LyokoFreakersFiction links). It would truly make my day, with new members coming in, to see my fics get read and reviewed. Now seemed like a logical time for a bump.

YDV wrote:Well you see, the amount of time we didn't normally hang around BKO is kind of like potential energy, and then when we all finally came back at the same time it's like letting loose a catapult. 8D

It's all very scientifical. |D

Ah, memories... ... hp?act=idx
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