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S5E13 - Friday the 13th

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S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sat Mar 23, 2013 3:39 pm

Name: Vendredi 13 (Friday the 13th)
Airdate: March 23rd, 2013
On the wiki

To be honest, I didn't like this episode a lot. Partly it's because I didn't understand a fair amount of it, but also, nothing really happened. Once again, the XANA attack didn't do much of anything, and I don't understand right now why Odd even had to get into the Skid.

And then, Laura. Oh Laura. We've been waiting for Jeremy to go to Lyoko for 107 episodes, and all of a sudden you come in and almost go. Wait in line, Laura.
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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby TheTsunamix » Sat Mar 23, 2013 4:32 pm

TheAppleFreak wrote:We've been waiting for Jeremy to go to Lyoko for 107 episodes, and all of a sudden you come in and almost go.

You mean you've been waiting to see Jeremie in Lyoko for 107 episodes, because he already went to Lyoko in Season 2, we just didn't see it.
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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby AmericanLyokoTeam » Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:43 pm

My understanding is that XANA was rigging half of Europe to win the lottery, including Odd who wanted to go tell Samantha. The gang minus Odd go to Lyoko to stop the 'attack,' which they easily do. It turns out to be an intentionally crappy attack, which XANA used as a cover to infect the skid with something slowly shorting it out. Since everybody else went to Lyoko for the attack, they can't get back in fast enough and have to grab Odd to get into the Skid and start trying to troubleshoot.

Aelita starts talking Odd through it, and the rest of the team bring in Laura to help on the bugfixing end. Jeremy decides he wants more eyes on site where the trouble is happening, and that sending Laura to Lyoko makes sense for this. Just as he's about to send her, Aelita finishes helping Odd fix the Skid. I think it's none too subtly implied she didn't want Laura setting foot on Lyoko as the motivation for the rushed brilliant troubleshooting.

Not the best episode: XANA has now made baffling pointless attacks two weeks straight. Mostly it was just a big chance to troll us viewers about Laura on Lyoko.
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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby penguin30 » Sat Mar 23, 2013 11:50 pm

Laura looked pretty annoyed at getting the rug metaphorically yanked out from under her like that. Can't blame her.

Even if it accomplished nothing, this attack was at least clever, certainly far more than anything else XANA's done up till now.

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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:17 am

penguin30 wrote:Laura looked pretty annoyed at getting the rug metaphorically yanked out from under her like that. Can't blame her.

Even if it accomplished nothing, this attack was at least clever, certainly far more than anything else XANA's done up till now.

I personally thought making an Aelita's mom specter was pretty good.
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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby penguin30 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 12:24 am

TheAppleFreak wrote:I personally thought making an Aelita's mom specter was pretty good.
I would count that, but the plot required Aelita to be a complete moron to make it work.

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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby TB3 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:40 pm

This was an interesting episode; although Aelita is definitely going through an *ahem* 'witchy' emotional phase, at least towards Laura. XANA's attack was quite strategic as well - a little dummy-virus to lure the kids out - if Odd hadn't run off an been Casanova to Sam they'd have had no choice to send Laura into Lyoko.

The episode and the last have also given us some nice info on Laura - it seems to me that half the time all she's looking for is a simple 'thank you', and she's not receiving it - the kids haven't even apologized for how they were openly trying to exploit her with the RTTP back in 'Virus', instead seemingly resenting her for outsmarting them.

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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby AmericanLyokoTeam » Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:08 am

Yikes, Teebs has me wondering if XANA was actually trying to play a three-deep game, and if the Skid was a distraction to get Laura on to Lyoko... Maybe he wants another William to herald his all-but-inevitable return to full power? Probably reading waaaaay too much into it, but that's half the fun sometimes.

Seriously though, I can't get a good read on what the powers that be want to do with Laura, or how we're supposed to react to her. One episode she's covering for the group and earning kudos, the next she's violating central rules. Here she's treated as a William-tier backup to be sent in only if there's an emergency. I guess maybe it's supposed to convey the group doesn't have any idea what to do with her from one moment to the next either.
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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby TheTsunamix » Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:43 pm

Just got around to watching the episode, and to be wasn't that bad.

I mean, yeah, it wasn't the best, but it's definitely better than what everyone's making it out to be (Believe me, XANA 2.0 was much worse). In terms of a potential hiatus though, it definitely isn't the type of episode you would want to start a hiatus with, I'll admit that.
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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby Cassius335 » Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:09 pm

TheAppleFreak wrote:And then, Laura. Oh Laura. We've been waiting for Jeremy to go to Lyoko for 107 episodes, and all of a sudden you come in and almost go. Wait in line, Laura.

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Re: S5E13 - Friday the 13th

Postby LadyLucy » Sun Apr 14, 2013 11:35 pm

The thing with the roses was cute. I'm all for Sam and Odd this time, and he was just so O.O at the end when she thanked him.
As for Aelita stopping Jeremie from virtualizing Laura? THANK YOU FREAKING GODZ. I don't like the girl much more than I did when she first came in, and she certainly does not deserve to be in Lyoko. Didn't they learn ANYTHING from the whole William disastor?!
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Good ep though.
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