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S5E11 - Rendez-vous

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S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby TheAppleFreak » Sat Mar 09, 2013 10:56 pm

Name: Rendez-vous
Airdate: March 9th, 2013
On the wiki


Definitely an interesting episode. Where to begin...

I'm glad that XANA is finally beginning to step up his game in regards to the specters. It's refreshing to see a specter that Aelita went to voluntarily, kind of like the specter in "Franz Hopper."

Jim is still the best character.

I still swear that Laura is a Deckard Inc spy. Her knowledge of how the Supercomputer operates is still suspicious to me...

Anthea has pink hair, Moonscoop. At this point, though, I'm kinda expecting it (Sam, Sissi, etc)

The Kankrelats are still derpy as ever.

I've been waiting for this gif since forever.
credit to ninken on tumblr

Whee, electrical attacks from the specters! They're not entirely passive!

Was Aelita hypnotized or something? Why does she blame Jeremy for her "mother" disappearing into thin air, in her arms?
I really gotta fix up this theme
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby Cassius335 » Sun Mar 10, 2013 2:25 pm

TheAppleFreak wrote:Anthea has pink hair, Moonscoop. At this point, though, I'm kinda expecting it (Sam, Sissi, etc)

Someone in the casting department must have a fetish for blondes
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby AmericanLyokoTeam » Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:02 pm

Do we still have to spoiler at this point? I get the sense that the only people reading these threads have watched the eps already. Ah well: ah screw it

How is this the same Aelita genre savvy enough to go look for XANA in episode one. Oh hey XANA's attacking, that mysterious message can't possibly be related...
Then I remember how distressingly often she fell for this kind of thing in season 2 and 4. It's sort of in character for Aelita's critical thinking skills to vanish when it comes to possible getting to see her parents again.

Also Laura... Like most, I hated her rushed and forced (in the writing sense) inclusion at first, but now that it's been dulled by a few episodes of space, I actually kind of like somebody getting to play second string to Jeremy in this one. Could make for a fun team dynamic, free Jeremy up to do some things other than press the virtualize and spawn vehicle buttons.
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby Ghost Guest » Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:31 pm

heh aelita has been such a b... to jeremie this season hasn't she?

even though the fake-parent card has been played before, it was still cool to watch. and it's nice to see the writers giving (back) the characters a little more depth.
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby TB3 » Sun Mar 24, 2013 5:10 pm

If this had been played right, it could have been one of XANA's most brilliant attacks - instead of trying to blatantly steal the source codes out of the kids, he could have played it straight and simply pretended to be Anthea - nothing else.

And why? To manipulate Aelita's emotions - there could have been a proper Bolivian-army standoff between her, Spectre Anthea, and Jeremie - the emotional core of CL has always been the tragedy of Aelita's life, and XANA toying with that simply to drive a wedge of distrust between the two closest of the kids could have been really effective.

And, if the REAL Anthea ever turns up, the kids would then be a lot more hesitant to trust her...

But, as it was, it just felt flat and relied on Aelita being a moron (ppst, pinkie - this already happened with your father in Season 4, remember!?) - I also wonder how invested the director is, because there was potential for some really good wide-angle shots, especially in the setting of the chapel. The constant focus on faces and mid-distance shots is really beginning to make the show feel confined in scope.

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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby TheTsunamix » Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:29 pm

TB3 wrote:But, as it was, it just felt flat and relied on Aelita being a moron (ppst, pinkie - this already happened with your father in Season 4, remember!?)

I couldn't agree more. She was almost as stupid as everyone else was towards Jeremie in 'Franz Hopper'. Almost...
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby AmericanLyokoTeam » Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:58 am

I guess since this came up in the ep 13 discussion too I kinda want to voice it somewhere.

A case of sudden stupidity isn't necessarily bad writing, as long as it's in character. Like I said in the last post, Aelita having a mental blind spot when it comes to any possibility of seeing her parents again is just a character trait. Fool me twice is fine for drama, but now she really needs to start learning from it. If we see her take this bait a third time I will change my mind and play the bad writing card.
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby LadyLucy » Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:36 am

Ya'd think Aelita would be more cautious if one of her parent's suddenly appears before her sending creepy messages....Same thing happened when she first found about her father. XANA knows her parent's her weakness, and XANA exploded that....again.. ^^;
Although....anyone else go "Wow...wait...awwwwww ^^) When Jeremie LEFT the supercomputer with all four friends inside, something he'd never ever do, to the capable but slightly untrustworthy hands of Laura, just to go find and save Aelita? A risky move, but HE STILL LOVES HER!!! XD
Although...I wanted to smack Aelita when she was all like >.< "I hate you meh" IT WAS FREAKING SPECTORE!!! At least she appoligzed, and then her thanking Laura? Took guts.
Any one else think SH3 when fake mommy dearest just stood at the top of the church? It freaked me out... (maybe I'm the only one...XD)
I'm not sure if I like her hair blonde, but maybe she dyed it to a more natural color after Aelita got older? (yeah...I'm reachin' here...^^;)
Cool episode, and daaaaang that Odd can drive the Lyoko car...and GO YUMI kicking butt with her new staff on Lyoko. ^^ That fight PWNED.
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Re: S5E11 - Rendez-vous

Postby Cassius335 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:33 pm

LadyLucy wrote:I'm not sure if I like her hair blonde, but maybe she dyed it to a more natural color after Aelita got older? (yeah...I'm reachin' here...^^;)

I seem to recall Antea's hair being pink when she was kidnapped, so that's presumably out.
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