Airdate: March 9th, 2013
On the wiki
Definitely an interesting episode. Where to begin...
I'm glad that XANA is finally beginning to step up his game in regards to the specters. It's refreshing to see a specter that Aelita went to voluntarily, kind of like the specter in "Franz Hopper."
Jim is still the best character.
I still swear that Laura is a Deckard Inc spy. Her knowledge of how the Supercomputer operates is still suspicious to me...
Anthea has pink hair, Moonscoop. At this point, though, I'm kinda expecting it (Sam, Sissi, etc)
The Kankrelats are still derpy as ever.
I've been waiting for this gif since forever.

credit to ninken on tumblr
Whee, electrical attacks from the specters! They're not entirely passive!
Was Aelita hypnotized or something? Why does she blame Jeremy for her "mother" disappearing into thin air, in her arms?