Age: 13 +3 years of maturity according to a person that thought I was over 16 on a video game communication server.
Gender: I am and simply on to you (male, but that information is useless because I do not posses and quality of manfulness or girlfulness)
Reason for username: When I was like 6 I made the name Folo on ...that website hasn't changed a bit... anyway- I lost the password to that account and made the account Foboh. I don't plan on changing it. I never even changed my password; I use the same one for every account I have ever made including this forum.
Anything else you'd like to tell us?: Weellllll-
Posting torrents on websites without proper DMCA takedown support is a bad Idea
You may or may not be able to get this 10 GB torrent on hint, hint
I think the formatting on this post is pretty so I'm leaving it here but without working download links
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