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Season 4 Episode 3: Opening Act

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Opening Act's rating...

10 - Divine isn't enough to describe this episode.
9 - Stuff like this is just what Code Lyoko needs.
8 - What a great episode.
7 - Not bad, not brilliant, but it's worth the watch.
6 - I expected more, but it wasn't that bad.
5 - Meh...
No votes
4 - Boring, boring...
3 - I'm better off hanging out with Paris Hilton in jail.
No votes
2 - I can't believe I watched this crap.
1 - I'm seriously considering to stop watching Code Lyoko forever.
No votes
0 - This episode proves that Flavor Flav is the sexiest man alive.
No votes
Total votes : 39

Postby Sankyou » Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:31 pm

:no: I'm afraid I wasn't terribly impressed. It is nice to see a new eppie, but I am sure we can do better than this.

Frankly, I'm growing bored with polymorphic clones -- I would almost rather watch Hugh Laurie give a speech on aerodynamics now -- and I don't think we're seeing enough of Franz Hopper, or the history of Lyoko. We're definitely suffering there.

It's quite early in the season, but this formula can't last forever and hold my attention simultaneously.

But I love the new scanner scenes!!! Especially Ulrich's!
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Postby Cassius335 » Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:56 pm

Ok, finally saw this. Great stuff, only skipped Sissi's Audition. Yumi put up a nice fight against William.

Only thing is, if XANA can activate the scanners, why doesn't he rig it to virtualise them without their powers? Would have worked on Aelita, at the very least.
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Postby UltimaHedgie » Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:09 am

Heh, I FINALLY got to see it. I thought about voting 7, but then I changed my mind and voted 8. It was a pretty good episode overall. Nice Jeremie/Aelita fluff thrown in there. However, it felt a bit rushed early on, but by the end I was liking it very much. It's also nice to see Jeremie working over the new vehicle for traversing the Digital Sea.

Though I have heard that he did announce the outfits toward the beginning and I just missed it, this gives much more detail into the new vehicle coming up. That was something I very much appreciated being explained, as before it was easily missed and simply made it seem like a random aspect.
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Postby Shark » Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:38 pm

I thought this was a good one. No surprise the spectre makes it's return. It was cool they put Chris in it. I wonder if that's what he looks like in real life... The battle sequences were awesome! Yumi gave XANAilliam a run for his money. And we finally know what the star braclet on Aelita's wrist does, which is kind of cool. Overall, it wasn't bad. I give it an 8.
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Postby YDV » Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:21 pm

xfskdjhfkasdjh Chris ♥♥♥♥

*ahem* Yeah, so.... Yay, go Aelita! And Yumi was awesome in this eppy. I like her outfit. It's cool. x3


Hmm.. So they're building a vehicle? Neat. <s>They should name it the Tartarus. I would laugh.</s>

Ugh. I'm really getting tired of all these polymorphic specters and clones. DO SOMETHING ELSE PLEASE. Dx

And Jeremie was really sweet at the end :D I thought he was like haha no when Chris asked him who did the demo but he gave it to him after the return trip. x3

Yay, I want more? 8D
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Postby Writing_Addict » Mon Jun 25, 2007 5:28 pm

YDV-kachou wrote:

I think it's just you...
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Postby yumi_yemimah » Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:58 pm

it was an alright episode

my sis did not like it that much she never likes it acually

she did not like the fact that alita could not go to the aditions when she wanted to

i wonder if the next ep will be better
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Postby Rail Runner » Tue Jun 26, 2007 6:31 pm

I thought it was very nice of Jeremie to give Chris her demo after all. She does deserve that chance. It was a pretty good episode...I loved the line that Chris used..Id rather not talk about uncle like nephew.
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Postby jaimehlers » Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:22 pm

I liked it (voted 8). I thought it was a solid episode and like many of the season two episodes, incorporated just enough plot elements (the mention of the virtual ship, and the fact that the Lyoko crew managed to fight William off) to keep it from being yet another one-shot filler. It wasn't the greatest episode ever made, but it was interesting to watch and that's good enough for me.

I didn't mind the polymorphic specter returning. Better than XANA possessing Chris, or something like that.

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Postby Malkmusian » Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:34 am

I think Odd's experimental music is more Negativland-like, while Aelita's is just plain techno. If I was at that talent show, I'd play a little guitar, not manipulate turntables.
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Postby Beikoku no rikugun » Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:11 pm

This episode's above average! I LOVE the idea of Aelita being a rock star!

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Postby zex marquise » Thu Jul 05, 2007 6:40 am

TB3 wrote:
Lyoko422 wrote:*blinks* You are awesome. What's next? Are you going to explain the Universe? With an answer besides 42? Oh wait, I already have an answer for that.


Lol, why thankyou :) - as for The Meaning Of Liff, uh, Life, let's consult 'Monty Python's Flying Circus"

(is handed sheet of paper, reads aloud)

"It's nothing very special really: Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

Viola - time now I think, for a piece of cake and waiting for my chance to see 'Opening Act' ;)

TB3, you are truly a god of science and comedy.
Mewberries151 wrote:
greenshoelaces wrote:In Lyoko, I think that the things over Yumi's eyebrows look quite out of place.

Those "things" over Yumi's eyebrows are decorations called "tsukuri-mayu" (literally "painted eyebrows" in Japanese), that mark Yumi as a woman of the upper warrior class.

Mew, I'm in awe of your infinite knowledge of cool stuff. LF has quite the admin staff.

i loved Jim getting chased by the fangirls. Good cinematography there. Who knew he had a famous nephew?
The animation gets better and better. I'm pleasantly surprised. This is some high quality stuff right here.
Who makes those polls at the top of every episode discussion? I love them. rotflol every time.
Is it just me, or has Aelita's joice changed slightly for season 4? It sounds more... well... normal. Kudos to Sharon I guess.
Jer Bear is such a dork for not letting Aelita go to the audition.
Sissi was right about her DJ track. I couldn't believe my ears. it was terrible.
Aelita was zoning out for a moment while Jeremie was yammering in geek speak. They're having 'ship troubles. Bummer. I used to look up to Jeremie, but now he's getting on my nerves. He needs some Riddelin or something to cool his nerd-jets.
"I'd rather not talk about it, uncle Jim." Oh yeah. Bring on the jokes.
Poor Aelita, getting shocked by that purple lightning again after Jeremie was a pig to her. Let's all pick on the pink haired girl.
Anyone else notice Jim's remark about tracking Caribou in the Great North? I'll bet if you asked him about it, he wouldn't want to talk about it.
The animators are really pulling their weight this season. The fight scenes were fantastic.
XANilliam's theme song was bad@ss. I'm lovin' it. Makes me think of Freespace 1.
Yumi's moves were sweet. "They're break dance fighting!"
Aelita's quite the little smack-talker. I like her even more now. "What's wrong ladies?" You tell 'em sister.
Jeremy got thrown around by XANA again. I guess it had been a while. After being mean to Aelita, he needed a little roughing up to knock some sense back into that nerdy skull of his. "Who wants sticky buns?" I love how the elevator door opens and Jeremie lands in front of the group.
"Now you'll see what it's like to mess with an old special forces agent!" Whoa, Jim. Are you serious? Jim must be an immortal to have had so many jobs and still be so young and healthy.
I loved Ulrich's and Odd's teamwork moves. Moonscoop is really trying hard this time around.
"Reminds me of the time I fought against Hurricane Windstorm in Vegas, back in '94." Jim was a boxer too?
lol poor Chris is so desperate to hold on to his job. He gets taken to an abandoned factory with a super computer by a bunch of kids, meets a clone of himself who proceeds to beat the crap out of him and his uncle, and just before Jeremie hits the RTTP all he can think to worry about is, "Not so fast! First tell me who Aelita is!" *holds up CD case*
Jer Bear was good in the end, giving Aelita's CD to Chris. That is one complex kid.
The credits annoy me. They're really high quality animation and filled with all this X-Files-ish mystery, and then we don't see any of that in the actual show. I fear Code Lyoko will be a bitter-sweet memory for me when I look back on this time. It has more potential than most shows I've seen (and I have seen A LOT), but none of it gets fleshed out in the storyline.
Well, now that I have just finished watching the episode and commenting on everything, it's time for bed. I have to get caught up with the other episodes. Peace out, guys, and happy 4th of July!

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Postby JesusFreak » Thu Jul 19, 2007 6:34 pm

I really enjoyed this ep, especially Aelita's song. :music: I know I heard that before though...

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