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Stupid commercials

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Stupid commercials

Postby Vodka's Vengeance » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:36 pm

I've begun to watch TV again in the past few months mostly so I can catch up on King of the Hill and American Dad reruns, and I've been reminded how idiotic commercials can be. For example, you know those five-hour energy things? Yeah, they don't work, at least not for me. But the makers treat us to a commercial that typically begins with some guy(s) drinking coffee (which actually does work) and then some cowboy comes up to them, berates them for drinking coffee, and hands them five-hour energy, which of course revs them up like the Energizer bunny. FAKE! FAKE! FALSE ADVERTISING! FALSE ADVERTISING! Sorry. And those smoothie product commercials that has a horribly modified version of that shake your booty song, so instead it's "shake your smoothie". Urgh. Just typing that makes me cringe. I could go on and on here, but the cream of the crap is the baby-name generator commercials, which so far I've seen come in Jersey Shore and Justin Bieber/Selena Gomez editions. Haha, oh man. If you seriously need a Jersey Shore cell phone name generator to figure out a name for your child, just do it a favor and give it up for adoption, becuase you're going to be terrible parents. If you're using a JB/SG name generator, you're probably a 12-year-old girl, so it kind of freaks me out those even exist.

This isn't a real problem or anything, but.... I just can't believe some of these.
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Postby LadyLucy » Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:53 am

heh heh...Commericals are made to steal your BRAINZ!!!!!
Well...not really, but sometimes ones like the ones mentioned certainly could turn most intellegent people brain dead.
Jersey Shore? I mean, SERIOUSLY?
>.<sorry>.< I just hate reality TV in general....)
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Postby DeadViolet » Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:32 pm

The Totino's Pizza Roll commerical never fails to piss me off.


C'MON, PEOPLE, please have more sense!! D:

Has anyone else seen this one? Catch my drift?

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Postby TheAppleFreak » Wed Jul 11, 2012 6:53 pm

Call me "Rock God...."

This one never fails to piss me off.
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Postby TheTsunamix » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:48 pm

Maybe it's due to my ignorance the garage band scene, but what is it about this commercial that's so horrendously bad (according to the poster and the commenters on YouTube)? It's stupid, yes. But it's just your basic 'this will make you cool, buy our product' stupid. I seriously fail to see the overall badness of this commercial. Someone please enlighten me.
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Postby Tekirai » Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:47 am

the fact that all of you have that one ad you despise means that they caught your attention enough to remember it correctly even now, even if your thoughts of it are negative

in turn you then go to other people and tell them how terrible the ad for ____ is and thus continue the chain

hello and welcome to advertising!! \o\ \o/ /o/
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Postby MY85 » Fri Jul 13, 2012 1:37 am

Tekirai wrote:the fact that all of you have that one ad you despise means that they caught your attention enough to remember it correctly even now, even if your thoughts of it are negative

in turn you then go to other people and tell them how terrible the ad for ____ is and thus continue the chain

hello and welcome to advertising!! \o\ \o/ /o/

Here for giving a thumbs up to Tekirai. :thumbs up:

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Postby LadyLucy » Fri Jul 13, 2012 7:20 pm

Well, then you guys happily playing at TROLL :P What ones drive you people nuts?
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Postby Vodka's Vengeance » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:31 am

TheTsunamix wrote:Maybe it's due to my ignorance the garage band scene, but what is it about this commercial that's so horrendously bad (according to the poster and the commenters on YouTube)? It's stupid, yes. But it's just your basic 'this will make you cool, buy our product' stupid. I seriously fail to see the overall badness of this commercial. Someone please enlighten me.

Because buying a corporate product doesn't make you a rock god, years and years of dedication and hard work and putting up with band drama does. I can definitely see why some people (specifically guitarists) would find this commercial offensive. It's making something so difficult to obtain seem like all you have to do is fork over some cash to attain that status, although of course anyone with common sense knows that's ridiculous.
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Postby TheTsunamix » Sat Jul 14, 2012 1:57 am

Vodka's Vengeance wrote:
TheTsunamix wrote:Maybe it's due to my ignorance the garage band scene, but what is it about this commercial that's so horrendously bad (according to the poster and the commenters on YouTube)? It's stupid, yes. But it's just your basic 'this will make you cool, buy our product' stupid. I seriously fail to see the overall badness of this commercial. Someone please enlighten me.

Because buying a corporate product doesn't make you a rock god, years and years of dedication and hard work and putting up with band drama does. I can definitely see why some people (specifically guitarists) would find this commercial offensive. It's making something so difficult to obtain seem like all you have to do is fork over some cash to attain that status, although of course anyone with common sense knows that's ridiculous.

Like I said, it's just basic 'buy our product and become cool' like what so many other commercials do. It's really nothing that's glaringly offensive.
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Postby Vodka's Vengeance » Sat Jul 14, 2012 9:42 am

You have to be a guitarist to really understand. I am, and although I'm not all that offended, I can see why some would be.
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